How many times a night does your LO get up to feed? Occasionally mine goes a 7hr stretch at night but on average she goes down at 9 or 10 after her 8 oclock feeding and wakes up around 12 to eat again and then drifts back off till about 4 and then eats and then goes back down till about 8 or 9. Should i be trying to just get her back to sleep? She doesnt even open her eyes most of the time just eats and then drifts back off without a fuss. I can even change her diaper after she eats and she doesnt bother to open her eyes.
Re: night time feedings?
I think you are going to her too quickly. What prompts you to go in there if she isn't even awake? Is she crying? My LO fusses and keeps his eyes closed and goes back to sleep.
What made you decide to feed her while she is still sleeping? I think you need to distinguish between sleep sounds and "Mom, I'm awake and hungry. I need your help" noises.
The only time I go in when he isn't awake is to try to pat him and soothe him when he's having a nightmare.
She sleeps in her own room but when she wakes up its a loud crying so I go to her.
I've tried just rubbing her belly or picking her up but she wants (maybe expects?) to nurse
My pediatrician said I could try to just comfort her but she also said it was ok to nurse her still- she didn't push that I should try hard to stop the nursing.
But I'd like to make sure she's not just nursing because she comes to expect it or needs to nurse to fall back asleep
Especially b/c he usually has a bottle at 5 p.m. at the nanny's, then I nurse around 6:30, then again around 8-8:30 right before bed. Then, almost like clockwork, he's up at 11, 1 and 3-sh. Then he gets up for good between 6 - 6:30. Is he THAT hungry? Sigh...
Agreed. Sounds about right for a NB, if not even more frequently.