We missed it last week - so I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes...
Cycle Info
What month/cycles are you in?
What's your CD?
Where are you in your cycle (Waiting to O, 2ww, Waiting for AF, Other?)
If you're in the 2ww what DPO are you?
When are you testing?
What supplements or med are you taking, if any?
What is your current phantom due date?
Do you chart? Share you link for stalking!
If you aren't pregnant this cycle what will you do differently?
How are you feeling emotionally about TTC?
Anything else to add?
GTKY: Does your LO have a favorite color?
TTC #2 since 10/2013
BFP #1 (4.14.14) ~ CP (4.18.14)
BFP #2 (6.27.14) ~ EDD 3.7.15
Re: TTC Check In (4/21)
What's your CD? 4
Where are you in your cycle? Waiting to O
When are you testing? I'm not sure I can take getting my hopes up again like that - so I probably won't test early this time. We'll see.
What supplements or med are you taking, if any? PNV and garlic
What is your current phantom due date? Jan 22-28...somewhere in there.
Do you chart? Share you link for stalking! Nothing's happening at the moment: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/4dd703/
If you aren't pregnant this cycle what will you do differently? I would like to take a break so I can get my wisdom teeth out. I don't want 2 Feb birthdays - but DH thinks that's a stupid reason. I DO need to get those teeth yanked though - so it's as good a time as any. Not looking forward to it though - so we'll see if I don't chicken out first...
How are you feeling emotionally about TTC? I'm on a roller coaster at the moment. I'm up, I'm down. I've been trying to do more with Hayley and enjoy every moment of her in the meantime.
Anything else to add? GL to everyone!
GTKY: Does your LO have a favorite color? She is obsessed with all things green. Funny since everything she owns is pink. But when she gets to choose something - it's always the green one.
TTC #2 since 10/2013
BFP #1 (4.14.14) ~ CP (4.18.14)
BFP #2 (6.27.14) ~ EDD 3.7.15
Not at all! I'm glad you started it. I've been so busy lately. I actually just got around to checking here and was going to start the TTC check in and I saw you had!
What month/cycles are you in? 6th AL (11th TTC #2)
What's your CD? 25
Where are you in your cycle (Waiting to O, 2ww, Waiting for AF, Other?) 2ww
If you're in the 2ww what DPO are you? According to FF I'm 9 dpo today. I'm not 100% sure I agree with FF on my O date, but who knows. At least I'm pretty confident I ovulated based on my chart.
When are you testing? I'd like to wait until 12 dpo, but I might break down and test tomorrow. Silly me... I went out and bought a few more tests today. With both of my previous BFP's I got a positive at 10 dpo. I'm gonna try and hold out though... we'll see.
What supplements or med are you taking, if any? just pre-natal gummies
What is your current phantom due date? January 3rd
Do you chart? Share you link for stalking! see below
If you aren't pregnant this cycle what will you do differently? Still focusing on trying to lose some weight and eat better. I'll try for one more cycle and then I might seek another dr.'s opinion to see what else we could try.
How are you feeling emotionally about TTC? I agree with poohbear2015- its been a complete roller-coaster. It wasn't this hard with DD, so its been frustrating. Having a miscarriage in August was tough, and reaching that baby's due date without being pregnant was terrible. But, I can't look back anymore... I can only look forward and that is what I'm trying to do. I am also telling myself that even though I hate how long this is taking, DD will be so much more independent by the time #2 comes along- that will make it easier (hopefully).
Anything else to add? @poohbear2015- I just wanted to tell you again how sorry I am for what you are going through. This process can really be emotionally draining. Fingers crossed that you won't have to wait much longer for your take home baby.
Good luck to everyone else!
GTKY: Does your LO have a favorite color? Yes, my DD LOVES orange! Every time she picks something out (clothes, crayons, play doh, etc.) its always orange. She has an Elmo book about colors and at the end it asks "What is your favorite color?" She always says Orange! Its pretty cute.
BFP #2: 7/24/13, MC: 8/28/13 @8weeks, 3days