
DH's grandmother passed away

FIL called yesterday morning, and said they were calling the family in.  DH was skeptical because it has happened so many times before.  It wasn't even 20 minutes later, and she passed.  He wouldn't even have made it if he tried.  FIL didn't even make it.  She requested no visitation or funeral, so I don't know if they will do anything in her honour just for the family or not.  I think it would make DH, and his family feel better if they did something in her memory.

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To be loved, and to be in love

Re: DH's grandmother passed away

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    I'm so sorry.
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
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    I'm so sorry for your family's loss. Hugs.
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    Im so sorry for your family's. Loss. T&Ps are with you.
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    So sorry.




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    Oh hugs. I'm so sorry your loss. Maybe even if the family doesn't do something you and you family can do something to honor/remember her. 
    I was thinking of planting a tree in memory of MIL this spring.  Maybe something of that nature.
            image image  image 
    To be loved, and to be in love
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    So sorry for your loss. I love the idea of the tree


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    I'm so sorry for your family's loss. :(
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    I'm sorry for your loss. I hope your husband gets the closure he needs to grieve with loved ones. Grandparents are so special.

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