
White House Easter Egg Roll

Has anyone ever been to the easter egg roll at the White House? Lo and I got tickets to go tomorrow and I just wanted a few tips on how I should dress him and anything else that would be helpful.
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Re: White House Easter Egg Roll

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    I'm jealous! I haven't been but as a general rule you should always wear good walking shoes in DC. Id put him in soemthing comfy but bright colored for nice photos and would wear comfy clothes myself (make it easy to duck to take photos).

    Good luck!

    image image
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    I've been and seen kids in all sorts of styles from sweats to Easter dresses. I, personally, would go looking put together but comfortable. Especially LO. It's a bit chaotic and I wouldn't want my kids to be pissy in stuffy clothing. I'd say a polo and shorts or something, weather pending obviously. Congrats for being chosen and have fun!

    Thanks for the ideas!! A polo and shorts is a great idea- Idk why I didn't think of that.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    LexiLupin said:

    Also jealous. Thanks, Obama!

    Sorry, had to get that in. Have fun!

    Thank you!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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