May 2012 Moms

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter mommas and babies. Hope all of your kidlets loved their easter baskets. 

DD was confused at first about the whole egg hunt thing, but after finding 3 eggs with help she was loving the hunt. I almost feel bad because she is still hunting today and there is nothing left. She loved all of her little goodies from us. I was happy that MIL didn't interfere and host our egg hunt herself which was a legitimate concern of mine. We're at their house but this is our first year getting to do an egg hunt to I still wanted us to be building traditions that are OURS. She did go overboard on the chocolate of course, and bought her about $100 worth of books (she works at a school so gets tons of great stuff from Scholastic); which is all more than she needs, but I pick my battles and I will never fault somebody wanting to build on her library. It was a good balance so we could both get our way which I think made us both happy.

In all it was a very good easter. Now we're just getting ready for he long drive home (the much less fun part, but whatcha gonna do?). How did all of your activities pan out?
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Re: Happy Easter!

  • Lol! That's what DH said in the car, this week will be a health food only week to make up for all of the candy! 
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  • Happy Easter! We had an Easter egg hunt for the boys. Ds1 (4) would find one and then help ds2 find one. It was really sweet how he wanted his little brother to find just as many eggs as him.
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  • Glad you all had a nice day! We did an egg hunt the day before with friends Lucas loved it, Sunday he loved his basket, which we did quickly because we went to church, and then my inlaws for dinner with all the extended family which was great like always!!

    No one besides us gives the kids anything for Easter so that's not a problem. And we were so busy they only had a few jelly beans yesterday it's today we'll eat too much candy ;)
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