Babies: 3 - 6 Months

11 week old EBF baby with foul gas and poo!

My 11 week old starting having terrible awful gas about 3 weeks ago that smells like a truckers. He has also started pooping less but when he does, it has the consistency of yogurt and smells to the high heavens...I can only liken it to vinegar or something acidy. He doesn't seem to be in any pain, other than normal gassy behavior but just stinks sooo bad and the poop just doesn't look normal. Anyone else seen this??

Re: 11 week old EBF baby with foul gas and poo!

  • Not this. With both if my girls (one is a toddler who was EBFed until 6 months the other is 3 months and EBFed) there have been times when BMs and farts have been unusually stinky. It could just be a developmental thing. The odor would concern me a little. I think it warrants a call or email to your doctor.
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  • We experienced this with DD and it was due to constipation. Her farts were rank and her poop was a lot thicker when she would go, sometimes even peanut butter like. She would go as long as five days between BMs when she used to go EOD. Apparently this can happen to BF babies since their food is perfectly designed to their body's needs it gets all used up and then there is not much left to stimulate BMs. This can lead to excessive gassiness and discomfort when having a BM. Talk to your doctor and see what they recommend.
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  • xyzabqsmvb53xyzabqsmvb53 member
    edited April 2014
    Lurker here. This happened with my 5 month old starting a few weeks back. Sudden decrease in frequency and increase in stench. It has remained at a lower frequency (now 1 poo/day or sometimes every couple days and used to be a couple poos/day) and the stench is still stronger but not always totally rank.He also was drooling like mad with his first teeth so he was swallowing a lot of saliva when it was super stinky. Not sure if that is causal or not.

    If you are worried definitely call the doctor. I thought about calling but never did because he started to return to less-stinky poos.

    ETA: Also EBF.
  • mrst9mrst9 member
    This happens to mine when she goes longer stretches between poos.  So I would def assume it's related to constipation/sluggishness/etc.  You can check with your doctor, but it's probably nothing serious at all.
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