But I have to go to bed now! And I won't be around tomorrow!
Damn it, I was really looking forward to this. I hope the kids take nice long naps on Monday so I can read the impending ribbon that this is going to bring on.
And welcome!
If this fails, I'll be around on Monday. I'll make sure you have something to read during nap time, don't worry.
Why so clearly be an ae? Why not just get a new name. Like erbear20 or something ?
Because I'm not her. I was looking to help them find info on that poster. But later I found out they already got her banned so now I'm just hanging out.
If you just say what your first SN was here, we'll be more accepting. You can always edit out, if you don't want the board that shall not be named to find out.
Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto: We welcome to you the board with open legs. Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess
It was TurtleTracker2. I only posted for a bit. But my other AE's were similar to this one when I helped out the SAHM board with the Allsion/Alicia pedo husband stuff. I've never been a reg.
Why play then?
You've been lurking for a while then, what other shit have you uncovered?
I only happened to start lurking again this week. It's been ages since I've visited the bump. I was just trying to lend a helping hand, since I actually have some free time. But since they don't need help anymore I figured I'd stick around and play some more.
But I have to go to bed now! And I won't be around tomorrow!
Damn it, I was really looking forward to this. I hope the kids take nice long naps on Monday so I can read the impending ribbon that this is going to bring on.
And welcome!
If this fails, I'll be around on Monday. I'll make sure you have something to read during nap time, don't worry.
If you're going to be a bitch I think we'd all rather be bored during nap time.
Re: HI!
If you're going to be a bitch I think we'd all rather be bored during nap time.