Cloth Diapering

GMD yellow question

Would you include yellow prefolds and yellow workhorses in your newborn change count? I'm at 22 newborn changes not including them. ( 6 workhorses 10 blueberry simplex 4 sweet pea aio and 2 blueberry mini pockets) including them I would have an additional 24 changes. (12 workhorses 12 prefolds) I know that newborn prefolds are always nice but can I make it work with what I have?

Re: GMD yellow question

  • If you have and average to larger NB the prefolds will probably work in a pinch. They will be bulky though, so you''ll want to have couple full coverage covers like Thirsties Duos size 1, teeny NB covers won't cover them well.

    The workhorses will probably not work for at least 2-3 weeks even on a bigger NB because of the leg elastic being bigger and NB thighs being skinny. I think they would work before the oranges are outgrown though, if you have closure-less ones and can snappi/pin to get a tight fit.
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  • Thanks for the input ladies. I had to ask before I buy more because my husband is kinda like what the hell? More diapers. Lol. I have three thirsties size 1 and two blueberry mini capris. I hope GMD has a great earth sale so I can justify buying more newborn workhorses and some newborn prefolds. should I throw in a couple more covers while I'm at it?
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  • You have five newborn covers? That's probably enough to make work but having a few more would be nice.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Just to give you some perspective: My 11 week old daughter who is almost 10 lbs. is just now starting to outgrow newborn workhorses. She's tiny- came home at 5 lbs. and didn't fit into them until 4 weeks old. The orange edge fit is still okaaaay but I might try out a yellow edge for absorbency this week. If you anticipate a smaller baby, I think the yellows are going to be too big during the newborn stage.

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  • I used yellow prefolds and orange workhorses on my 5.5lb guy with no problem as long as I folded them down. I didn't know any better, but they were probably crazy bulky. But they worked. That being said he is now 9 months old and we are still using the same yellow edge prefolds. When he was newborn they fit fine under prowraps, thirsties size 1 and blueberry minis.
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  • I'd prefer the extra oranges. Just my 2 cents. But they might work and just be really bulky.
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  • I only bought the yellow workhorses. They were bulky on my 7 lb 7 oz baby for maybe 3 weeks but they worked and they still work and we still have a lot of growing room at 3.5 months and 13 lbs. I didn't like either of my covers ( Assunta tiny and Thirsties size 1) to begin with but I soon came to love the Thirsties and it it's still working for us.
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  • We went straight to yellows because we started our trial at 3 weeks, and decided we liked prefolds enough to invest in 2 dozen of them. So we probably had DS in yellows from about 7.5 lbs to 11-12 lbs? Which was about to 12-13 weeks for us, and then it started to get hard to snappi them around him. At first we had to fold down about 1-2 inches of rise to get them to fit. They were very bulky but they worked well.

    From about 13 weeks, red edge was then our go-to diaper through the peanut butter poo stage, maybe around 7-8 months in our case.
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