
Ladies...a super TMI period ?

*2nd TMI warning*

My cycles have always been on shorter side (24-28 days normally) and its par for the course for me to spot for a few days before AF arrives, but it seems like ever since I had DS, I spot brown for like 2 days, then have a light flowing type deal of brown stringy discharge (no clots or anything, just stringy) for another day or 2, then on like the 3rd day, I'll see some red blood. Im not temping, but am almost positive I am ovulating, since I get ovulation pains and sometimes spotting around ovulation as well.

I'm not a heavy bleeder, and AF usually only lasts about 5 days or so, but this brown spotting/bleeding crap is annoying. It also makes it sort of confusing re: charting, since they say you normally count CD1 as the first day of red flow (which I havent been following, since my flow seems to start a day or 2 before, even though its brownish).

Anyone dealt with this? I know its fairly normal for cycles to change after childbirth, but figured I'd throw it out there to see if anyone is in the same boat.
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Re: Ladies...a super TMI period ?

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    This is what I was like when I was on Mirena, so I can't help you with charting.  Sorry you are going through this and hopefully someone has answers for you.


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    Maybe a cyst?  I have heard of them causing spotting during ovulation if you have a cyst. And maybe the brown is fluid?   I also have had wacky cycles when my hormones were off and it caused spotting and bleeding in the middle of my normal cycle, and I would get a regular period at the normal time.  My OB just said it was due to a hormone shift and it would straighten out after a few months.  It eventually did. 

    When I was charting I went by the first day of any sign of flow, and just made sure it was consistant.  Temping would really sort it out for you as you would either see a rise for ovulation or a dip when menstration was starting.  I also found if I know my normal resting temp, I can take my temp at any part of my cycle and know generally where I am at as my ovulation temps are much higher than after I menstrate. 


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    I only said cyst because I thought she said in the first paragraph that she was positive she was ovulating, and I thought she meant right now.  Reading fail on my part... sorry. 

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    Thanks ladies. I figured it was probably normal, since I'm sure there is so much room in the realm of "normal" for each woman. I guess I'll continue charting the way I have been then.

    Like @WhoCanItBeNow‌ mentioned, the first day I need a tampon (which is today, case in point) I usually mark as CD1.
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    And to clarify...I just meant in general (not right this moment), I can usually feel when I am ovulating (or the time around ovulation, I should say, bc I'm not temping) bc of ovulation pain and some months, ovulation spotting. Sorry for the confusion!
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