I have been wide awake until well after midnight for the last few nights. Normally I'm ready to crash by 8:30 from full exhaustion. I was really hoping to have this baby tomorrow just because it's my dad's bday and it would be kind of special to have his first grandson share his birthday. Baby doesn't seem to be interested in this plan however. Seriously! I just want to have him out already!
Re: insomnia?
Hang in there! My LO doesn't seem interested in coming either, but when we finally have outside babies at least we will have a REASON to be up at night!!
BFP #1 May 20, 2013 MC June 27, 2013 BFP #2 August 2, 2013 Baby Boy born 4/25/14 (3 weeks overdue!)
April 14 August Siggy Challenge- "This time last year.."
Unfortunately, tonight that was 2 am. It's now after 5. At least my living room is clean now?
BFP#2 3/16/11, beta 138; 4/12 Baby/HB DS born 9/10/11 at 29w4d due to partial abruption and PTL
BFP#3 8/19/13 Another boy! 17P, modified bedrest and Nifedipine helped us have a termie! DS2 born 4/19/14 at 38w5d.
((Hugs)) hope things are better today!!
BFP #1 May 20, 2013 MC June 27, 2013 BFP #2 August 2, 2013 Baby Boy born 4/25/14 (3 weeks overdue!)
April 14 August Siggy Challenge- "This time last year.."