
Word on the street...

keepswimmingkeepswimming member
edited April 2014 in Parenting
Is that a fellow poster stole $$$ intended for the sunshine mission for a grieving mother on M14

Re: Word on the street...

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    edited April 2014
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    What?! Is this real life?


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    I just started reading. If it was over $500 couldn't they press charges?

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    The OP wrote a tongue - in - cheek confession. Modeled after the should be confession of the person who committed the crime.

    Asshole gets called out by name later in the thread.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I can't.....

    Follows along @probrecita



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    Indeed it was the mod who took the money, and is being called out by OP.

    Long story short: M14 had a mom with a late loss. They raised over $700 to buy memorial gifts, donate to March of Dimes, and to have a gift to send on her EDD. They decided to put a mod in charge. The memorial gifts were "purchased" but never sent. When called out, the mod made a $25 donation to March of Dimes, then doctored the email and bank statements to claim that she donated the full $550. The only thing the mom who suffered the loss will receive (because the mod took the money) is a gift on Mothers Day/her EDD provided by a member of M14 who's responsible enough to do so.
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    Indeed it was the mod who took the money, and is being called out by OP.

    Long story short: M14 had a mom with a late loss. They raised over $700 to buy memorial gifts, donate to March of Dimes, and to have a gift to send on her EDD. They decided to put a mod in charge. The memorial gifts were "purchased" but never sent. When called out, the mod made a $25 donation to March of Dimes, then doctored the email and bank statements to claim that she donated the full $550. The only thing the mom who suffered the loss will receive (because the mod took the money) is a gift on Mothers Day/her EDD provided by a member of M14 who's responsible enough to do so.

    Oh fuck.

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    Well that's pretty shitty.




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    Fuck... Now yellow is all I see!!!!!! Fml



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    If that's true, it's pretty despicable. But it's kind of weird to try to get Parenting to storm over there like villagers with flaming torches. I mean, it sounds like the BMB is doing fine flaming her themselves, no? Is telling Parenting considered calling in the big guns?

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    Wow. Thats so shitty. I just cant.
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    She joined Aug 11, I wonder if she was ever on my BMB.
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    Maybe this is a dumb question... But if these women paid through paypal can't they file a report to get their money back?  Or is it too late for that?

    And this is fuuuuucked up, yo.

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    Justin + Laura 10.18.08
    TTC #1 09.10/Dx PCOS 12.10/BFP #1 12.29.10/EDD 9.10.11/Missed m/c 2.3.11/D&C 2.15.11
    “Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”-Kahlil Gibran
    Cycle #1 4.2.11 + Clomid = BFN/Cycle #2 5.9.11 + Clomid + Trigger Shot = TWINS! 
    Walter Allen and Eleanor Joan 1.15.12
    Another baby on the way! 8.25.14

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    Miles2Go said:

    Lurkey lurkey looo...

    OP posted here not just for you guys, but for the masses who lurk parenting, trying to increase traffic and knowledge of the incident. We're getting ignored by BJ & the BG regarding having her removed as mod, so figured a little bump wide drama would do the trick. 

    Carry on. 
    Got it. That makes sense.


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    lauralewlauralew member
    edited April 2014
    @lauralew‌ someone said it was through a charity site, not PayPal. But I can't remember which.

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    Justin + Laura 10.18.08
    TTC #1 09.10/Dx PCOS 12.10/BFP #1 12.29.10/EDD 9.10.11/Missed m/c 2.3.11/D&C 2.15.11
    “Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”-Kahlil Gibran
    Cycle #1 4.2.11 + Clomid = BFN/Cycle #2 5.9.11 + Clomid + Trigger Shot = TWINS! 
    Walter Allen and Eleanor Joan 1.15.12
    Another baby on the way! 8.25.14

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    Yeah google+ tip made that so easy to find her. Pics, first and last name, and career title....I feel most sick knowing she works with a vulnerable population.


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    @lauralew‌, someone said it was through a charity site, not PayPal. But I can't remember which.
    I edited out her name.

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    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I've been the person collecting and in charge of sunshine mission money more than once and I would do it and donate again. Sometimes it's worth the risk. However, I feel like our loss boards have a deeper and stronger connection based on years through a journey than a bmb does, but I still don't think it was dumb to do. Not to say this couldn't happen there too but I've never seen it happen. I don't know. Sometimes people suck.
    I agree.  But I don't think I ever gave to a Sunshine Mission while on any of the loss boards.  Mainly because none of my close friends had Sunshine Missions ran for them...and I was hesitant and poor.  

    I collected for a Sunshine Mission once and vowed never to do it again.  It was too stressful for me...I was so worried even one cent would get misplaced/not spent as the group agreed.  

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    Justin + Laura 10.18.08
    TTC #1 09.10/Dx PCOS 12.10/BFP #1 12.29.10/EDD 9.10.11/Missed m/c 2.3.11/D&C 2.15.11
    “Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”-Kahlil Gibran
    Cycle #1 4.2.11 + Clomid = BFN/Cycle #2 5.9.11 + Clomid + Trigger Shot = TWINS! 
    Walter Allen and Eleanor Joan 1.15.12
    Another baby on the way! 8.25.14

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    Yeah google+ tip made that so easy to find her. Pics, first and last name, and career title....I feel most sick knowing she works with a vulnerable population.

    Luckily for them she quit a few months back.
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    Did you all read the ML posts? Those ladies took that bitch down! I would not feel bad for the thief on that BMB if she had charged filed against her. What she did is truly awful.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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    Weird that it's still listed as her employer though, if you quit wouldn't you be keen to change that?
    @mirdamae03‌ is there any suspicion she's a catfish?

    I wondered the same thing to. I think she liked the job and hated her boss, but I'm not sure why she left her place of employment info up. She's a real (albeit stupid) person from all of the M14 snooping that's gone down. I think she thought we would just take her word and phony receipts and no one would be any the wiser. Luckily MOD was very forthcoming with information so we could prove she didn't do what she said she did.
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    edited April 2014
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    I cannot believe the people who were defending her based ONLY on her mod status and popularity.  And that is ALL it was, clearly, because there is zero justification for that bratty ass vent.  I don't care if you are 13 mos pregnant and Joan Rivers is your MIL.  You don't get shitty with someone who is buying your nursery because they don't want to buy your damn pottery barf chair.  And WTF at giving the only person in the thread with a backbone shit because she didn't have that kind of money?

    If I ever got on someone's registry and they registered for a $1000 chair that they will likely never even actually get to nurse peacefully in and their NB will piss all over......yeah, they would get diapers from me.  I hope that chick gets some kind of real life consequences for what she did because, to be frank, she is a total little bitch.
    100% agree. WTAF?


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    This sounds awful for the loss mom. How sad. I am pissed that someone would do something like this. I do hope karma exists and she gets what she deserves. 

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