April 2014 Moms

Nova's birth story (suzanneolov)

This is the long version because there is no short version

The official story.. I started labour on Saturday morning and by Sunday only progressed to 1 cm. I was admitted to give me a cocktail of drugs that would stop contractions for the night so I could rest up. It didn't really work well. Monday they decided to induce me and gave me two doses of an induction pill before labour picked up rapidly. And man did it hurt. Contractions were close together so they moved us to labour and delivery to continue. It got bad very fast but the midwife on at the time kept trying to push me for natural methods but I couldn't handle the pain and I asked for an epidural. Which was awesome. They decided that they would put me back on the induction line because progress was slow. (They kept it up right until I was about to go to surgery) But Monday night around 12:00 my left side started to feel the contractions again. It was rough for a few hours because every contraction was only on one side. And they were two minutes apart. It turned out that the epidural had ripped out so they had to do it again.

Tuesday morning I had only progressed to a 4 so I was feeling really down. And the midwives changed and this one was determined. But the epidural wasn't working on the left side again so another anasteiologist came and check it and gave me a higher dose. The new midwife got me to a 5 within 30 min. Then I sat on the ball for an hour. Which was tough because they had upped the dose again and I could feel all the pressure plus I hadn't slept for 3 days and had only had shirt naps. When we were done, I tried to get off the ball only to find that my legs didn't work. I fell hard and my poor husband had to pick me up off the floor twice. I was so embarrassed. But with that I had gone from 5-10... We were pumped. Renewed energy..

I labour for 4 hours pushing hard in many different positions and on many contractions, most about 30 seconds apart. But in the end she was coming down but she would pop back up.

The doctor was really nice but she could see how exhausted I was. So that's when they rushed me for an emergency c-section. I was oddly calm about it and the whole team was so wonderful and friendly and amazing. However my blood pressure plummeted and I started throwing up and convulsing on the table. ( thankfully my husband and the baby were gone by that time) but I truly thought I was dying. And I cry every time I think or talk about it.

So Nova was born at 4:49, weighing 8.8 pounds and is 54cms

I was in recovery for 3 hours before I got to really see her or hold her. It was torture.

The last thing I said before I lost consciousness was, this was worth it. Because my little squeaker is so amazing and I am so in love I can't handle it.
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Re: Nova's birth story (suzanneolov)

  • Sorry about your difficult delivery. Congrats on your little girl.

  • Oh you poor thing! What a roller coaster. Glad you're all ok -and your LO is beautiful. :) congratulations!

    BFP: 7/5/10   EDD: 3/13/11  Miscarriage 8/1/10 at 8 weeks

    BFP: 10/30/10   EDD: 7/7/11   Born 7/11//11 7lb12oz, 20 in.

    BFP: 7/30/13  EDD: 4/9/14 Born right on time on his due date! 8lb10oz, 21.5 in.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Awesome prophetic fortune cookie: Love is a present that can be given every single day you live

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  • ((Hugs)) you poor thing! That's a very long and scary labor! I'm glad it turned out ok. She is beautiful, and I love her name!!

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  • Your LO is absolutely gorgeous. I'm so sorry that labor was so difficult, glad you're ok!
    ~ Leah, Rachel and Gabriel were born on May 27, 2013 (23 weeks) ~ Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • you went through hell and back, but you're right...  it's worth it!!  nova is beautiful and i LOVE her name :)
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