
Sharing with your kids

DD and I are cuddled up on the couch watching Fraggle Rock :) I love sharing bits of my childhood with her and watching her reaction. What have you shared? Did your kiddos like it?

The first time we tried watching it she looked at me like I was nuts and threw a fit...this time she is fascinated and asking questions.

Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12

Re: Sharing with your kids

  • I sing him weird old songs my nana used to sing and he loves them. He has a popple of mine. I can't wait until he's old enough to appreciate Star Wars.



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    Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014

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  • Disney's Alice in Wonderland.  She loves the white rabbit!


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • DD also loves My Little Ponies.


    She keeps asking for chicken nuggets and french fries because MLP is the toy inside.

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  • nurrieumnurrieum member
    edited April 2014
    The Wind and the Willows- book and movie, Though we're only just getting into the book. 
    We've watched a few of my favorite cartoons as Amazon Prime has a ton of the cartoons I grew up with on it. It's mostly books though, my Mom kept all the children's books I had as a child so when I got married SS and now DS are getting to enjoy some of my childhood favorites. 

    "Amelia Bedelia" "Madeline" "Stan the Hot Dog Man" "The Big Snow" 

    I can't wait until they'e older, when I was about 8 we started reading LOTR  and the Hobbit (my mom edited a lot of the lengthy descriptions as she read), Sherlock Holmes, Little House on the Prairie, The Hardy Boys (I never got into Nancy Drew though). I also can't wait to share Harry Potter with them, I have never read them but they are Dh's favorites and I thought it would be really cool for me and the boys to read them for the first time together. 

    Edit- grammar


    (Jar of Bees- Le Blog)

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  • My older one loves Puff the Magic Dragon and the Ghostbusters movie :)

    The baby? Well, he just demands I share food, which I know isn't what you were talking about lol  But seriously - he'll start to chow and when he realizes I have something different, he yells at me and chews the air until he gets it.  I haven't had food to myself in 4 years and I don't think I will for years to come. /tangent over lol
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • elmoali said:
    My older one loves Puff the Magic Dragon and the Ghostbusters movie :)

    The baby? Well, he just demands I share food, which I know isn't what you were talking about lol  But seriously - he'll start to chow and when he realizes I have something different, he yells at me and chews the air until he gets it.  I haven't had food to myself in 4 years and I don't think I will for years to come. /tangent over lol

    DS never lets me eat. He will see me across the room and crawl over so damn fast.

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  • Reese LOVES the original Care Bears movies. And the original Muppets. And Fraggle Rock :) 
    My daughter is my hero.
  • The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, and Full House.

    Also we showed her Jem last week and she wasn't impressed

    Oh and Bernstein Bear books.


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  • I am really excited to take the girls strawberry picking this summer. I have such fond memories of that as a kid. 
    We always went blueberry picking! I've forgotten about that! We need to do that. As a kid we always went to apple orchard's in the fall and we've taken the boys each year. It's a favorite, next year we're going to try and do some picking ourselves. A favorite local place has a petting zoo and hay rack rides too the kids have a ball!


    (Jar of Bees- Le Blog)

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  • Most of my childhood stuff is still at my parents house in Washington. I take stuff home everytime we visit. My DD has my cabbage patch doll piggy bank, most of my jewelry, and barbie clothes. DS has all of DH's Heman stuff, Ninja turtles, Baseball cards, and a few other things.


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  • DD has my old stuffed teddy bear (that my great grandmother made me) and DS has DH's old CPK and a stuffed koala. 

    DD also loves to watch Full House on Nick at Nite every night. She calls it Michelle.
    DD {6.13.10} & DS {5.19.12}
  • ReeseFoxReeseFox member
    edited April 2014
    My girls love to watch WWE with me, though I do limit the little one a bit because violent. But I love that they enjoy it as much as I do. M is always interested in the storylines and the history behind the wrestlers so it's fun to discuss with her.

    ETA They're both also into Berenstain Bears. M has all my old books and we added to the collection when she was little. E will get them once she stops destroying books.

    And I finally got M interested in BSC. She's devouring all my old books.

    "Man, be creative. Like the stuff you do. Do nice things. Love respectfully. Laugh a fucking lot. Curse when you feel like it. Life is cool." - Jean Grae

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    M (3/9/02) and E (2/28/12)


  • I was excited to show her Sesame Street, but she is just not into it.
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

  • Disney movies. DD loves Ariel as much as I did.
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • DD has my 'blankie' that my aunt made me as a baby. She loves to watch The Little Mermaid which was my favorite as a child. I sing along with Ariel and it irritates the piss out of DD. :D
  • Rocks. I was obsessed with rocks and collected them for most of my childhood. I noticed that DD started picking up rocks a lot and putting them in her pocket. We talked about it and she said that she likes rocks. I picked up my old collection from my parents, which include geodes and crystals, and all sorts of rocks and she freaked out.

    We now have to go through my rocks every day.


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  • @elmoali‌ I was actually thinking about how Ialways share food when iI typed the title. Sometimes I plan my meals by nap and bed time just so I can have some food to myself.

    She also has a ton of DH and my old stuffed animals. My mom kept all our books and vhs movies. I am about to set up a VHS player in her room so we can watch old Disney movies together :)

    Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
  • Kidsongs.  They were my favorite growing up and DD loves to watch them now. 
  • LindseyG2010LindseyG2010 member
    edited April 2014

    My son loves Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast - two of my favorites as well :)  and we watch them on VHS!  We have a ton of VHS tapes and I plan on putting them to good use!  I tried playing some Billy Joel in the car a while ago, because he really likes regular music that's on the radio, but he was not too into it! haha :)  We also read old Golden books like The Pokey Little Puppy, which I loved when I was little :)

  • And Disney World - I absolutely love Disney World!  I am so excited to take my son there but he's only 3 and with it being so expensive, I want to make sure that he is going to remember it, so we will go in a few years.  But I seriously cannot wait!!!  I had the best times there growing up, my family was fortunate enough to go once a year or every other year and it was my favorite vacation place :)<3 
  • Sophia loves the Cinderella movie and is just getting into Dumbo. I love that she likes classic Disney.
  • Star Wars.
  • Star Wars.
    I don't know why I forgot this!!  SS LOVES star wars and it's been cool to share it with him. I still have my VHS copies from when I was kid. 


    (Jar of Bees- Le Blog)

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  • Oh, and my friend just bought her the "regular" lego sets--it was one of the Disney Princess ones--but not Duplo. I put it together for Reese while she was watching me. She asked if I was done, and I said not yet---she told me "I just can't wait any longer."

    She has played non-stop with that set since she got it on Sunday. She definitely is a lego kid. She actually liked that set more then the duplos. Her eyes are set on Cinderella's Castle next :)
    My daughter is my hero.
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