*****Current pregnancy mentioned*****
Hey ladies,
I hope it's alright that I am coming here. I am looking for some hope because I am really terrified. My signature hasn't been updated but my story is that I have had five losses (no living kids) over the past four years. All losses were in the first trimester except for our loss with our daughter in the second trimester. Two out of five of my losses have been for terminal chromosomal reasons (two different trisomies) including the loss of our baby girl.
I am so thrilled and blessed to be pregnant again and have just started my 10th week. I have been doing ok mentally up until now with the help of multiple ultrasounds and a doppler but because we will be having the Harmony test and NT scan done very soon, I am terrified. I had a horrible nightmare last night that we received another terminal diagnosis and I couldn't stop crying in bed because it felt so real.
I know no one knows what the future holds for us but I was wondering if anyone here can relate to this feeling when it comes to the genetic tests due to losses and how you managed to get through these terrifying weeks of testing. It's important to note that both me and DH have had full karotyping done and nothing has come up. It just appears to have been very bad luck. The idea of having something rare happen over and over again is really messing with my head and I want to be as hopeful as I can be. I find myself analyzing my 9 week ultrasound for any kind of sign which I know is ridiculous because it's too early to tell. Baby has been growing so well and even measuring a couple days ahead. All other pregnancies have always measured behind so I am clinging to that as much as possible.
So sorry for the long post but if anyone has any advice on how you coped with this I would be so grateful. I am planning to see my therapist this week too.
Thanks in advance!!
Re: *** Pregnancy mentioned** Pregnant after terminal diagnosis (how to cope and have hope)
We didn't have any type of terminal issue so I can't relate there, but I think that with any previous loss and being pregnant again, it is so hard to have hope that this time it will turn out ok.
The thing that helped me was by just reminding myself that this is a new pregnancy. I would actually get mad at myself because I would think that when this baby does come, I would be regret all the time that I spent worrying away my pregnancy. You just have to have faith in your little one that they are a fighter and that in 7 months from now they will arrive.
I am a constant worrier and I just finally had to say to myself that worrying won't change anything other than creating a more stressful environment for baby. Everytime I would do the "what if this baby doesn't make it" scenerio in my head I would also force myself to imagine "what if this baby does" and that is the picture I would try to hold on to when things got bad.
*** aka: andreahshields ***
*** July Siggy Challenge - Cake Wrecks ***
BFP#1 3/8/12; diagnosed w/ Anencephaly at 12w6d; D&C 5/9/12
BFP#2 7/18/12; A/S 10/26/12 It's a Girl! EDD 3/29/13
Phoebe Jordan Born 3/20/13
Thanks so much for your encouraging post and I am so sorry for your loss and that you share this heartbreaking experience. Can I ask if the worry ever got more manageable after you knew that your baby was healthy? I imagine that we never stop worrying of course but I am very curious about this because I have never had a healthy pregnancy (hopefully with the exception of this current pregnancy). I still say "IF" this baby comes home in November etc.
I wish I could say yes, but the truth is I still worry and she just turned 1yr a few weeks ago. All you can do is take it a day at a time. On the PgAL board, we always said "Today I am pregnant, and I love my baby." And just remember, it's completely normal and understandable to be worried, just don't let it consume you that you don't get to really enjoy this pregnancy.
*** aka: andreahshields ***
*** July Siggy Challenge - Cake Wrecks ***
BFP#1 3/8/12; diagnosed w/ Anencephaly at 12w6d; D&C 5/9/12
BFP#2 7/18/12; A/S 10/26/12 It's a Girl! EDD 3/29/13
Phoebe Jordan Born 3/20/13
Henry Cavill...You're welcome!
BFP #3: EDD 1/10/13 **DS born 12/30/12!!!**
BFP #2: MC 7/2/11 @ 12 weeks
**Missing our February '12 LoveBug**
BFP #1: MMC discovered on 12/6/10
I have had two losses, and undergone karyotyping to rule out a genetic issue due to some family history- so while I haven't been in your shoes, I do know how stressful waiting for those results can be. I tried to distract myself- book, movies/tv, music, going for long walks/hikes, plans with friends and family. Anything to keep my mind busy.
I also echo what PugLife5869 said about eth A/S being a bit of a turning point for us to- and when our vocabulary changed from "if" to "when" in regards to our baby.
I hope this time is your rainbow baby. And I agree that PgAL is also a great place to find support.
BFP#1 11/12/11 ~ No heartbeat 12/12/11 ~ D&C 12/19/11
BFP#2 3/25/12 ~ Heartbeat 141 4/16/12 ~ No heartbeat 4/25/12 ~ D&C 04/30/12
BFP#3 7/16/12 ~ EDD 3/26/13 ~ It's a BOY ~ DOB 2/26/13
I've had the Harmony testing done twice, once with my first pregnancy, the results came back normal but we still lost our little guy (for unknown reasons) and the second time the results were normal and we got our rainbow baby, but it was terrifying both times because of my age (38 and 39 respectively). And hopefully we will endure the terror one more time as we are trying to add to our family!
I don't have a lot of advice except just to distract yourself while you wait. Usually the results come back pretty quickly.
I hope this is your rainbow baby!
BFP#1 1/31/12, EDD 10/6/12 Harrison Gray born sleeping @ 18w6d. You changed our lives little guy.
BFP#2 EDD 10/29/13, C/P 2/25/13, Bye little Ish, we barely got to know you.
BFP#3 EDD 12/21/13, Baby Boots born 11/23/13 My rainbow baby!
January PAL Siggy Challenge: Good Advice
I hope that you get your results back quickly and that you continue to have a very healthy pregnancy. "Today you are pregnant and you love your baby."
EDD 1/31/13, MC May 17. EDD 3/31/13, MC July 26. I miss you so much already my angel loves
BFP #1 3.23.11 :: Natural M/C on 5.21.11 @ 12wk4d
BFP #2 2.17.12 :: EDD 10.28.12 :: Ava was born 11.2.12
BFP #3 1.31.14 :: Natural M/C on 3.10.14 @ 9wk2d
BFP #4 4.29.14 :: Natural M/C on 5.5.14 @ ?
New Beginnings: Our Journey into Parenthood (Blog)
Big hugs, lots of prayers for a healthy happy baby.
Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.