
Newbie question-switching OBs?

Hi ladies I'm new to this board but not to the bump (I actually just discovered this board a few days ago and have learned so much!)

Anyway, I'm 24 weeks pregnant with twin girls. A few weeks ago I found out that my OB is no longer seeing OB patients or doing deliveries. He's the reason I switched to the practice a few years ago-and I haven't been all that impressed with the other doctors in the practice.

When I mentioned this to my MFM, she immediately recommended a different practice and told me it wasn't too late to switch. Here's the catch-this practice delivers at a different hospital than my original practice does. My old OB highly recommended the other hospital because he liked the NICU better (although they are both level IIIB) and he said they see more twins there. That hospital was significantly further from our home than the hospital this other practice would deliver at. I know people who have delivered singletons at both and liked both.

So...wwyd? Is it too late to switch? Would you just stay with the original practice? Ugh, decisions!

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DH and I: Both 31
HSG, bloodwork, SA-possible blockage in right tube Continue TI July 2012 August 2012: Clomid 50mg + TI=bfn, switched RE September 2012: Redo HSG-blockage in right tube confirmed November 2012: Clomid 25mg, Bravelle + Trigger + IUI= ectopic pregnancy December 2012: emergency laparoscopy and D&C, removed right tube 2 more IUI's-one bfn, one CP IVF #1=CP FET#1=BFN IVF#2-converted to FET due to PGS testing and high progesterone levels. Only one good embryo from PGS-didn't survive thaw. transferred 2 embryos from IVF #1=BFP! 2 yolks sacs seen at 5w4d sonogram!

Re: Newbie question-switching OBs?

  • I'm in a similar situation bc I need to switch bc where my current ob delivers is not a level 4 nicu. Another hospital is but that means if I want better care for my little ones when they are delivered, I need to change ob. I'm 18 weeks now so it's hard when you are used to and like one person already. I've weighed all options and will be changing within the next two / three weeks. Weigh your options and talk it out. You will need a transfer of care from one doctor to another.
  • I switched at 12 weeks for a better hospital, I found that to be a higher priority than sticking with my old ob.
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  • jmc1110jmc1110 member
    edited April 2014

    I am actually also in the process of switching. I meet my new OB next week. There were several factors and about 2 months of debating what to do. First, when I found out these babies were twins they flagged me as High Risk and switched which hospital I could deliver at. Then, while discussing my birth plan wishes they completely shut me out and without many words basically said I'll be having a c-sec. Given my history of 4 previous healthy vaginal births I don't think it's fair to assume "well you can try to get baby a out vaginally then baby b will most likely be c-sec". My OB was requiring me to have an epidural placed against my wishes.

    The new OB is known to deliver baby b breech if needed as long as he is smaller than baby a. He also is very much about being as natural as possible which is what I wanted. I'm nervous to meet him since I've had the same OB for the past 10 years.... but hey, change is good! right?! 

    ...edit: almost forgot: To top all this off (almost a blessing in disguise) my insurance changed which my current OB doesn't accept. So it was almost a sign to say hey you may want to give the new OB a chance.

    Good luck!


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  • It looks like some of you are just as far as I am so that makes me feel better. Both hospitals are comparable-same level NICU, etc and people I know who delivered at each one really liked each of them. There is one doctor at my current practice that I absolutely can't stand and if she's the one who ends up on call when I go in to have these babies, I'd be really upset! Maybe that's a sign that I need to switch...I don't know!
    My Food Blog
    DH and I: Both 31
    HSG, bloodwork, SA-possible blockage in right tube Continue TI July 2012 August 2012: Clomid 50mg + TI=bfn, switched RE September 2012: Redo HSG-blockage in right tube confirmed November 2012: Clomid 25mg, Bravelle + Trigger + IUI= ectopic pregnancy December 2012: emergency laparoscopy and D&C, removed right tube 2 more IUI's-one bfn, one CP IVF #1=CP FET#1=BFN IVF#2-converted to FET due to PGS testing and high progesterone levels. Only one good embryo from PGS-didn't survive thaw. transferred 2 embryos from IVF #1=BFP! 2 yolks sacs seen at 5w4d sonogram!
  • I will. Be switching because we will be moving this summer. The nice thing is we will be moving to an area with a lot more options.
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  • TRS48TRS48 member
    I am switching OBs this week (isn't "official" until I go to my first appt with the new OB this Friday) at 25 weeks. Main reason being that my old OB delivers at a hospital with no NICU and the one I'm switching to delivers at a hospital with the best NICU in our city. I was also on hospital bedrest there last week (ordered by my perinatal) & was going to be stuck with hospitalists for the remainder of my pregnancy & delivery if I didn't get discharged... so if I were you I'd switch while you can. Good luck!

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  • I switched at 20 weeks because my previous OB did not have rights to deliver at the hospital with a level 3 NICU.  She also was unwilling to deliver twins vaginally, even if A was head down.  I am still holding out hope that I don't have to go the way of C section as I am very afraid of that.  
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  • I switched at 12 weeks to get a better high-risk OB and a better NICU. So far so good! I know 24 weeks is different but I think it would be worth it to go with a hospital that was closer to home. If you trust your mfm's opinion I would do it.


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    BFP#1: 11/20/11, EDD 7/25/12, Emily Iris arrived 7/29/12 at 7 lb., 3.5 oz.

    BFP#2: 8/25/13, EDD 5/4/14, MMC confirmed on 9/23/13, D&C on 9/26/13

    BFP#3: 2/3/14, EDD 10/15/14, fraternal TWINS confirmed 2/21/14, two BOYS confirmed on 4/15/14!

  • I also hate the fact that when I asked my ob her thoughts on delivery all she said was twins are delivered by cs and closed the topic. I want one that is more open to vaginal delivery as long as everything is ok. Good luck w decision
  • My current OB said that I would be 50/50 having c-section vs vag delivery-which I loved.

    I think I'm going to set up an appointment with the other OB just to see how/if I like them...

    And good point @mer313131, if my MFM suggested them, I trust their opinion!
    My Food Blog
    DH and I: Both 31
    HSG, bloodwork, SA-possible blockage in right tube Continue TI July 2012 August 2012: Clomid 50mg + TI=bfn, switched RE September 2012: Redo HSG-blockage in right tube confirmed November 2012: Clomid 25mg, Bravelle + Trigger + IUI= ectopic pregnancy December 2012: emergency laparoscopy and D&C, removed right tube 2 more IUI's-one bfn, one CP IVF #1=CP FET#1=BFN IVF#2-converted to FET due to PGS testing and high progesterone levels. Only one good embryo from PGS-didn't survive thaw. transferred 2 embryos from IVF #1=BFP! 2 yolks sacs seen at 5w4d sonogram!
  • PalanPalan member
    I switched OBs and hospitals. OBs due to scheduling difficulties and hospitals due to the NICU and previous experience. The new hospital is 2x as far but think its a better fit.
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