
Medical advice needed...

So as I was getting ready to put DS2 down tonight, I kicked the crib post really hard. Pretty sure my baby toe is dislocated. How soon do I need to see a dr? It's 930 pm here and my guess is there is no dr in the er at this point and we are all getting ready for bed. We DO NOT have a drop in clinic in town. What does parenting think I should do? (PS I'm in canada so there will be no cost to me no matter what route I go, in case that was going to factor into your suggestion)

Re: Medical advice needed...

  • Ha! The dr is there for a bit In The evening but they go home and are in call should something serious arise and need there attention. I live in a town of 12000 so not very big at all.

    @LovelyRitaMeterMaid‌ they won't put it back in place before they tape it? It's at an awkward angle and I'm not brave enough to put it back in place myself
  • algalphysalgalphys member
    edited April 2014
    I'm in pain but I'm not dying...Advil would help. Dr would come if needed but it could be a long wait. The nurses here are really quite good and do a lot so maybe they'd replace it @Regal Mama
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  • I broke my pinkie toe 2 weeks ago.  The ER took several X-Rays, buddy taped it to the one next to it and gave me a hard shoe so that I cannot bend my foot when walking.  I have an appointment with an ortho Thursday. 
    If you can get up the guts to move it back where it belongs on your own, I would try that and tape it up.  Even if you can't get it back where it belongs, I would still tape it up as best you can and ice the hell out of it.  See a Dr. in the morning.
    The Book of Love Has Music in it


  • LBibLBib member
    My concern would be any swelling that may happen overnight. Your toe will make it harder to move back if there is swelling. At bare minimum ice, elevate, and Advil. Disclaimer: not a medical professional. Corroborate any advice from LBib with Dr. Parenting and Dr. Google.
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  • Ice and elevate. I'd be seen tomorrow to shift it back.

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  • algalphysalgalphys member
    edited April 2014
    I took some Tylenol and I'll call the healthline in the morning (we can call and talk to a nurse for medical advice). It's swollen and hot but I definitely don't think I'm in enough pain for it to be broken
  • nonniedee said:

    I am pretty sure there is nothing a doctor would do for that, to be honest.  Maybe stabilize it with some skin tape or something.  By wrapping tape around it and the toe next to it.

    I've broken my toe 3 times. They don't really do anything for it.
    They do when it's displaced.

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  • Yeah, if it's displaced or broken and out of place they will set (reduce it) before taping. This happened to me this summer. What you're describing sounds like it needs to be reduced/set. I hope you were/are able to see someone for it!
  • I wasn't able to get in to see a dr at a clinic so I ended up in the ER, which I feel really stupid about. Just had an X-ray, waiting on the dr now
  • Uhh... So it's broken. Back to hospital this afternoon so dr can decide what to do with it. And we leave for Vegas in 10 days. And I have a 3yo, 7mo and DH just went back to work today. Seriously, life, why?!?!
  • The hard shoe was awesome for me. I broke my toe the day after moving day and I thought it would keep me from unpacking. Nope. Hardshoe was awesome. I did the kitchen after I came down off my painkiller high. Side note: I was soooo scared of getting it reset. I wouldn't let them touch it at the ER, and the poor X-ray tech had the hardest time with me. They gave me a painkiller, left me for about 30 minutes, and then the doctor came in to "talk"--mid-sentence, he grabbed it and pulled it back into place. Done.
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