Single Parents

more kids?

Do you guys want more kids?

I really only wanted one but sometimes I wonder how I will feel when I fall in love again and remarry. I'm sure I will want a baby with that person. Maybe we won't. Idk. I didn't plan for my one to be with someone I'm not with.

Idk. For me, 1 child seems to be enough to manage. Maybe if 2 happens when E is 4+.

What about if your next guy has a kid/kids? Still want another?

PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014

Re: more kids?

  • When the ex and I were together before the Lil Emperor we thought two kids but we were not going to do the 2 under 2. After the Lil Emperor was born we said that he would be our only one (but that was only because of how difficult my pregnancy was and the thought of going through that again...dont know if we could handle that again).

    Now that we are not together, I am still undecided on if I want another one. I want to give him a sibling (I am an only child as is the ex), the thought of going through the pregnancy complications scares me.

    But if it happens and that is a big if, I would like for it to be within the next 3-5 years (I will be 35-37)...
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Im not even kidding when i said bf and i want all the babies. Weve openly said our minimum is four our max is six. Mind you this is including bentley and c but, were from big families im one of four hes one of six and hes an active involved parent so that newborn bootcamp wouldbt be as bad this time around. But there will be five or six years more then likely between bentley and the next kid
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  • @Lurchbaby that was me when i was pregnant. People were already asking me when i was going to have another and this was me

  • That is glorious!
  • Right now, at this point in time, HELL TO THE NO.

    If I met someone and not having more children would be a dealbreaker, I'd be open to it. But if he doesn't, this would be me...

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  • BF wants kids. My sibs and I are close in age (between a year and a year and a half apart) and that's how I want my kids to be because we were so close (up until my sister "ermagerd, ferl irn lurv" with her POS bf). BF is an only child and when I see huge gaps in age between kids, I don't see as close relationships as my family and others have with kids close in age. I'm a little terrified to bring up kids with BF though. We've only been dating for about 10-11 months and we don't even live together. If I were pregnant again, I would at least want us living in the same place.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • eg214eg214 member
    Bahahahah. So funny how things change.
    I totally feel the same as the memes.

    Hopefully this doesn't come out bad, but I've been thinking lately how I wasnt ready. I mean I love my girl and I was half ready but the other half of me wishes I had my boring life back sans kid. Just getting out of the house is SO MUCH and not having $$$ or a sitter means getting out is always with her. If I had a bf, friends in VA, or was able to have a sitter maybe it would be diff. I guess I need to join a mommy group when I get back.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • klvklv member
    Now? Oh hell no!! 2-3 years? Yes please!
  • Right now, at this point in time, HELL TO THE NO.

    If I met someone and not having more children would be a dealbreaker, I'd be open to it. But if he doesn't, this would be me...

    This this this this this!

    It's like you are in my head
  • I should also add, I am the only child of my mom and dad. But my mom had 2 other kids with Stepdad and my dad had 3 other kids with stepmom.

    I kind of always felt alone and not a part of. I would hate for any of my kids to feel that way. Plus I've had 2 sections already, how many more can a gal have?

    My new "friend" has no kids and wants them. This has me thinking...but I think my hands are full having 2u2. Could someone else's kids be enough for another man?
  • edited April 2014
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  • edited April 2014
    @beccaga16‌ not cool to make me tear up at work.
  • Not in the cards for me.  I never wanted kids until very late in the game.  Now that I have one I'd consider another except any pregnancy for me would be high risk and I got my tubes tied when DD was born.  I would consider adoption if I decided I really really wanted another. 
  • I have a hard time thinking of ds as an only. Hes MY only but hes actually one of five kids for his dad, hes not even the youngest child so its weird to think of him as an only when hes not.
  • I think one will be good for me. I'd just like to be able to have one. If I loved a guy that wanted more, I think I'd probably have more though. I'm kind of a hypocrite though, because no way in hell would I ever even date a guy that had kids.

    Also, @MinnesotaMomma91 He will probably think of himself as an only child though, unless you have more kids before he's 8. I have an older half-brother but we were brought up entirely separately from I was 2 and I have never once thought of myself an anything other than an only child.

    Single Mummy-To-Be | TTC January 2014 | Natural IUI with DS March 2014: Resulted in BFN | Natural IUI with DS April 2014: Positive! | EDD 10th January 2015

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  • Hes also got my bfs son who is older then him @alliealba and hes really close with two of my nephews i used to watch every day. Those three are so close
  • eg214eg214 member
    @AllieAlba - Your feelings might change once you have your LO. Myself and most people I know were not cool with dating someone who had a kid but now I (and they) are. I was the same about dating someone who had been divorced before. Once I got divorced, I understood sometimes people get the shaft and their ex was a psycho like mine was and really are good then I became okay with dating someone divorced. It's hard to imagine until you are in that position.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • Also, for me its been easier for me that bf has his own son. Hes been understanding about my priorities as a parent. Note i say that as a 23 year old dating a 26 year old. Alot of people in our age group are still out partying and drinking and dont have the same priorities as us. Thats just our experience
  • Maybe it's something to do with the fact that all the single dad's I know are arseholes who don't give two shits about their children. And yes it may change, but I can't imagine anything worse than having to look after someone else's child, to be perfectly honest.

    @MinnesotaMomma91 Ah, I didn't realise your bf had a son. He probably wouldn't consider himself an only child then.

    Single Mummy-To-Be | TTC January 2014 | Natural IUI with DS March 2014: Resulted in BFN | Natural IUI with DS April 2014: Positive! | EDD 10th January 2015

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  • inthelostinthelost member
    edited April 2014
    For me, NO. I love my daughter and she's all that I need. and i will NOT go through a pregnancy and raising two children on my own. I just can't do it. It was really hard for me and it still is. IF I found a decent guy to marry and i KNEW he was going to stick around...I maybe MIGHT have one more. but, i doubt that will ever happen and not counting on it. But my PPD was SO BAD that the PPD alone was enough to make me not to want to have another child..mine was so horrible. 
    Liliana Seraphina born 9/5/2103

  • @Alliealba yup bf has a two year old and they get on, but he doesnt love anyone like his cousins. They saw each other today at easter and were so excited to see each other
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