Babies: 3 - 6 Months

When to stop swaddling???

The Bump says to stop swaddling at 3-4 months old.  My little one won't sleep longer than two hours in the middle of the night without being swaddled!

Re: When to stop swaddling???

  • Shoot!  I watched him on the monitor this morning and he rolled over while swaddled!!!!!  Am I too late to start weaning?
  • We just started today.  LO rolled to his side from back playing last night so I decided we needed to go cold turkey.  He has been able to break out of the swaddle for months so I didn't think it would be hard, but falling asleep hasn't been easy.  He was just starting to be such a great sleeper too, blah!

    ... So to answer your question, when LO can roll from back to stomach.  (Getting up on his side was close enough for me)
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  • We swaddle with arms out. My LO is 5 mos.
  • We stopped around 6 weeks because DD kept breaking out of the swaddle. She sleeps in a sleepsack or gown. 6 weeks was also when we transitioned to the crib.
    Wedding 08/08/08

    BFP #1 12/29/10 EDD 08/29/11 Blighted Ovum 02/09/11 D&C 02/11/11

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  • diszcz said:
    Shoot!  I watched him on the monitor this morning and he rolled over while swaddled!!!!!  Am I too late to start weaning?
    Yes. It's dangerous to continue swaddling at this point. If your the LO manages to roll onto his stomach while swaddled he won't be able to free his face from being smushed into the sleeping surface.
  • We stopped at about 2 months. He always wanted his arms out and would not sleep until they were and then he would just wiggle around until it was unwrapped.

    Proud 40 year old, first time daddy!
  • Stop around 4 months when they start rolling over
  • I also still swaddle with my LO arms out
  • Lisselh said:
    I also still swaddle with my LO arms out
    My LO just started rolling over today. I was wondering this--can we keep swaddling with her arms out or do we need to switch to a sleep sack? I don't know if the swaddle is restricting her leg movement at all?

    TTC since April 2011. DH Dx MFI in February 2012. BFP #1: 7.16.12. MMC dx: 8.22.12, D&C 8.28.12, TTC Again November 2012. DH Varicocele repair November 2012; Repeat SA showed "dramatic" improvement February 2013 (awesome!)
    BFP #2: 3.26.13, EDC: 12.7.13. Anya born December 9th, 2013!
  • gfam89gfam89 member

    My son is 5 months.  He has rolled over a few times but doesn't like it. I tried not swaddling for a week straight and he would not sleep at all. He would startle himself awake and then scratch his face. I came into his room and saw blood!! I then tried socks on his hands but he gets them off and continues. Since then, I try at least once a day to let him sleep unswaddled but he just won't sleep. What can I do?! I'm all by myself and going to school. No sleep really isn't an option for either of us.

  • My son is 3.5 months old and started breaking out of his swaddle over the past couple weeks. I tried going w/o it, but he has trouble falling asleep and still startles himself. A friend recommended the "Merlin Magic Sleepsuit" as a transition out of swaddling; her DD loved it. I used it for the first time last night at Baby J did great!! Good luck
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