January 2014 Moms

Holidays: His Family or Yours?


Re: Holidays: His Family or Yours?

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    If we get to go back down to where we used to live, we double everything. We spend a lunch with one And a supper with the other. Maybe one on the day before with one of our sides and the other on. We usually had four Christmas which his weird. Christmas Eve with my maternal grandpa and momma side. Christmas morning with just us, Christmas lunch with my parents and paternal grandma and Christmas evening at DH's mom's house, then over to her dad's and step-mom's.
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    If we go to one of our families for a holiday it's his because mine is BSC.

    Married 3/17/2005
    M/C #1 2005 - 6wks
    M/C #2 2006 - 7wks
    M/C #3 2008 - 11wks
    Baby Aeneas Born 1/20/2014
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    We spend them with my family...
    But, only because I can't stand his brother and his gf. They are creepy and I don't want them around my son ever. They have never met Maddox, and we plan on keeping it that way. We love 1000 miles away from my DH parents, and would be willing to fly/drive there for holidays, if those two weren't there.
    I just had to gently let my mil know we wouldn't be there for Maddox's first Christmas because even though we are all 4 adults, both my DH and I would have a hard time being fake and not swinging at those two pieces of shit.

    Lol and there was my vent for the day!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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