I'm not sure if I'm overreacting, so I wanted to voice my concerns with you ladies and see if I'm being unreasonable.
I really liked Sam's first 2 nurses. This morning he got a new day shift nurse and I'm not really comfortable with her:
The first thing she did was call another nurse in to explain how the CPAP pressure worked, because she didn't know how to regulate it.
Then when she was taking his vitals, one of his alarms went off. I asked her what it meant, and she said she didn't know; when an alarm goes off she visually looks at the baby and if he appears ok she just ignores it.
She also messed up his date/time of birth this morning, so she wasn't giving him all of the treatments he needed. She said she thought he was born at midnight this morning, and I had to convince her that he was born at noon yesterday.
I called down to check on him from my room. The other nurses said they'd call me if anything was different. But she opened with "I wasn't going to call you with this, but since you called, it looks like he's developing jaundice so we're going to put him under the bili light."
These things make me nervous, especially the CPAP issue because my daughter died following a pneumothorax after her CPAP pressure was reduced. Am I overreacting? What are my options? Can I request a different nurse, and how do I do so tactfully?
Thank you.
Re: Uncomfortable with NICU nurse?
Check out my blog: http://blondheimtwins.blogspot.com/
My husband also found out when he talked to the neonatologist that this particular nurse also happened to be the one assigned to our daughter the night she died, which may be why I had such an immediate reaction to her, even though I didn't remember most of that night.
DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015