
Shocked! ......BFP mentioned

I'm pregnant!!!! BETA is in, 147! I could not believe it, and still can't.  I asked them twice if they were sure. I was so convinced it was going to be negative.  I immediately began crying and called my husband, he was so excited! I go back on Monday for second BETA. Thank you ladies for all your support these past couple weeks, it has meant so much to have people to turn to during this. 
TTC since September 2011, w/ RE since March 13

Me: 32: PCOS, Low AMH .59
DH: 36, Non-Obstructctive Azoospermia (unexplained)
- SA May,13 &  June 13 no sperm, Urologist appt. July 13, Clomid Prescribed
- October 13, PESA sperm extraction surgery, found sperm (very small amount) froze vial for backup
- March 14, PESA + TESA, no sperm, used backup

IVF w/ ICIS #1: March 14:
- ER 2/28: 10 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, 4 fertilized with frozen backup vial, no sperm left to freeze 
- ET 3/3: 2 transferred, 2 frozen on 3/5
- BFN 3/14

FET #1: 4/2
-BFP on 4/11, 1at beta 147, 2nd beta 565, EDD 12/20/14

Re: Shocked! ......BFP mentioned

  • cls78cls78 member
    TTC since May/June 2012 
    Sept 2013 testing:
    SA #1 Low motility (17%) 
    SA #2 Lower sperm count, but much higher motility
    CD 3 Bloodwork and ultrasound - Normal HSG - Clear tubes 
    Oct/Nov 2013 Cycle 1 with RE 50 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI BFN  
    Nov/Dec 2013 Cycle 2 with RE 50 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI BFN 
    Jan/Feb 2014 Cycle 3 with RE 50 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI BFN 
    2/20/14 Follow up consult RE recommends IVF with ICSI 
    3/10/14 New patient consult with RMA NJ 
    3/11/14 AMH and other Bloodwork to prep for IVF with ICSI at RMA NJ
    3/28/14 Saline Sonogram - All good
    March/April 2014 IVF #1 Antagonist Protocol
    4/16/14 ER 26 Retrieved!!!
    4/17/14 Fert Report 22 Mature 21 Fertilized w/ ICSI
    4/22/14 Report #2 15 BLASTS
    5/24/14 FET!!!  (Transferring 2 snowflakes)
    6/2/14 Beta #1 575!!! :)
    6/4/14 Beta #2 2060!!! :)
    6/11/14 1st Ultrasound...Saw 2 Gestational Sacs!!  Beta #3 34,312!!! 
    6/18/14 2nd Ultrasound...Heartbeats!! Baby A 112bpm Baby B 117bmp <3 Beta #4 172,080!!!
    6/25/14 3rd Ultrasound...Heartbeats!! Baby A 150bpm Baby B 158bpm <3 Beta #5 232,134!!! 
    7/3/14 4th Ultrasound...Heartbeats!! Baby A 173bpm Baby B 162bpm <3 Beta #6 269,228!!!
    Graduated from RMA!!  First appt with OB 7/8/14

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    BabyFruit Ticker


  • AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! 
    TC Since 2006
    Me: 33
    Dx: Hydrosalpinx
    DH: 34
    Dx: Perfect
    IUI #1-4 = BFN
    BCP Started 2/23/2014, Tubal ligation surgery 3/5/2014
    1 Polyp removed, Tubes are bye bye.
    IVF #1 - Gonal-F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Lupron, ER 4/14, Freeze All, OHSS
    31R, 28M, 21 fertilized! 
    FET#1 - 06/26/14 transferred 5 day blasts 2- 1 4AA and 1 3BB lining at 12 (PIO shots, Progesterone and Estradiol)
    Beta 7/10/14 14dp5dt = BFFN
    FET#2- 9/25 Transfer day 3, 2- 10 cell Lining at 12
    10/2/15 - Progesterone Check 30
    10/9/15 - 14dp3dt BFN
    4/27/16 - Mock transfer protocol- Vit C, Vit D, DHEA, Prenatal, Lovenox, Estradiol, PIO
    FET #3 - 5/18/16 - 

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  • YEA!!!!! Congrats!!!! 

    Married 2010

    TTC Sept 2012

    Clomid with TI Jan, Feb Mar 2013 - All BFN

    IUI #1-3, Aug, Sept, Oct 2014 - All BFN

    IVF #1 ER 2/19/14, 34R, 33F, 21 on ice, Freeze All

    FET #1 4/11/14, Beta on 4/22

    Beta #1 1238, Beta #2 - 4000 - BFP 

    Twin Girls Born 11/25/14

  • YAY!! Congratulations :):) 
    TTC since May 2012
    Me: 32 H: 31
    DX: MFI-Very Low Count, I have Hashimotos.
    IVF prep September 2013 cancelled due to Ovarian Cyst
    IVF #1 October 2013 Antagonistic Protocol with ICSI  ER 10/31/13 (18R 16M 11F- 6 blasts to freeze)
    ET delayed due to OHSS 
    FET scheduled for July 8. Delayed due to a crazy high TSH (it had been under control for YEARS!)
    FET #1 8/5/14 sET BFN 

    All welcome!
  • Congrats. GREAT NEWS..Good luck on rising betas
    ===siggy warning====
    Me: 40, DH: 42
    Diagnosis: PCOS
    TTC: May 2013
    TX: IUI #1 with Follistim. Canceled due to too many follicles (10 + that were large); BENCHED
    IVF #1 March 6. 14 eggs retrieved, 10 fertilized. 
    March 11, 4 eggs transferred.
    March 21 BFP  :) Beta #1 457, Beta #2 1350, Beta #3 9619. 
    Due Date November 27, 2014

  • Congratulations!

    dx:  Unexplained IF
     TTC since May 2011, 1 year trying, and then 3 TI, 2 IUI = BFN
    IVF #1 (May 2013):  Antagonist Protocol: 
    24R, 18M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 2 early blasts, no frosties = BFN
    IVF #2 (August 2013):  Lupron Stop Protocol: 
    28R, 23M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 1 partially hatched blast, 7 frosties = BFP
    EDD 5/23/14, blighted ovum (6w6d), D&C (8w6d)
    FET #1 (April 2014):  transferred 2 5d blasts = BFP
    C.J. born 01/09/15

  • Congrats!!

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    TTC #1 since November 2011
    Dx: Unexplained Infertility, probable endometriosis
    Feb-April 2013: Femara + TI: BFN
    May - September 2013:  Follistim + Ovidrel + IUI#1-4 = BFN
    IVF # 1 November 2013: transferred 1 perfect blast = BFN
    IVF # 2 April 2014: Endo scrape, transferred 2 blasts = BFP!! (first ever!), CP
    FET #1 June 2014: transferred 2 blasts = BFFN
    New Dx: Repeat Implantation Failure
     IVF # 3 November 2014 = BFP!!  Beta #1 9dp5t 272  Beta # 2 11dp5dt 626
    It's Twins! 
    *everyone welcome*
  • Love Love!!! So excited! Congrats!
    Me: 35  low AMH, normal FSH
    DH: 31 Fair DNA fragmentation test :( Normal SA
    TTC: since March 2012

    09-21-13 start IVF #1
    10-04-13 ER 6 eggs, 6 mature, all 6 fertilized. 3 frozen
    10-08-13 fresh transfer canceled due to high progesterone
    waiting for FET
    10-18 started BCP
    10-29 baseline appt scheduled
    11-20 scheduled date of FET #1
    12-2 BFN :(

    3-1-14 moving on to the next step. Switched RE. going to plan 3 IUI cycles while saving for IVF#2

    April 2014- IUI#1  BFN
    May 2014- IUI#2 BFN
    June 2014 IUI#3 BFN

    Taking a break for a while, focusing on our wedding.

    Sept 24th missed period! Surprise natural BFP
    10-15-14 first ultrasound
    06-05-15 EDD


  • Good news! Fx for doubling beta on Monday.

  • Tea+Tea+ member
    Congrats! Fx for Monday! [:
    TTC Since 2012
    Me: Endo Stage IV (20+yrs) (who knew? Not me)
    MyLove: Pretty Ok. Low #s (i think) 
    IVF#1: No Eggs to Retrieve
    Taking time to ourselves
     Poor Responder will add COQ10 & DHEA next cycle
    **All Welcome**


  • Congrats!!!

    ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
    Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive.  Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)

    DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN  DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!



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  • Congratulations!!
    ******************************************** siggy warning ******************************************

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    Married July 2011 * TTC #1 since 8/12 * Me: 29 DH: 29
    21 Cycles TI: BFNs
    DX: Stage 2 Endo, uterine polyps and paratubal cysts removed
    2/14: IVF #1 Lupron Protocol = 12R/10M/9F, no frosties; transferred one 3BB blast = BFN
    4/14: IVF #2 Antagonist Protocol = 18R/16M/15F/6 frosties; transferred one 4BB blast = BFP!!
    Beta #1 (5/12) = 232 Beta #2 (5/16) = 886 Beta #3 (5/20) = 3168
    EDD 1/18/15 It's a BOY 

    ~~~~~~ All Are Welcome ~~~~~~

  • Congrats!!!! Wishing you all the best.

    **** siggy warning - bfp & loss ****   ---- All Welcome ---

    Me: 44 - Hashimoto's (under control), DH: 38 - (minor issues)

    IUIs: 2 in 2012 ... Both BFN
    IVF #1: 10/16/13 ... BFP, however it was not viable and ended in an early loss at 7weeks.

    IVF #2: Feb '14 ... Cancelled. Positive beta at baseline appt, became very early loss.
    IVF #2: Apr '
    14 ... Retrieval Only. 2 embryos made it to day 3 freeze & will be batched with IVF #3 for PGD testing.
    IVF #3: June '14
    Retrieval Only. 4 embryos growing, all arrested before day 5. Two from April thawed, but also arrested.
    Currently benched while determining how to proceed.

    "Keep going until you can't fail"


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  • So wonderful!!!!!  Congratulations!

    Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
    IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
    IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
    Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545  -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
    Camila Josephine arrived 4/30 :)
  • Congratulations!!!
    ---- Elizabeth
     (Child mentioned) 

    Dx: PCOS + MFI (low motility and morphology)

    IVF w/ ICSI cycle #1 
    9 days stimming with Gonal-F, Menopur, Cetrotide
    ER on 4/21 - 19 eggs retrieved, 12 mature, 8 fertilized normally
    3 embryos survived to blastocyst
    2 hatching blastocysts transferred on 4/26
    Faint BFP on 6dp5dt and getting darker each day
    Beta #1 (11dp5dt) = 292
    Beta #2 (18dp5dt) = 6,154
    Ultrasound at 6w2d reveals a single baby with a heartbeat of 125 bpm! EDD 01/12/2015
    Ultrasound at 8w0d: heart rate 164 bpm
    Ultrasound at 9w4d: heart rate 185 bpm
    Panorama tests returned in 10 calendar days. Low risk for everything!
    It's a boy!!!
     Mom to a 7 year old daughter, conceived with IUI (Clomid + Repronex) after 2 years of IF, 2 cancelled IUIs and 2 BFN IUIs
  • Congrats!!!!!!
    Me: 32, DH:33, Married: 8/30/2008, TTC since: 10/1/2012
    DX: Me - DOR & tubal issues, DH: none. 
    June 2004: Ectopic pregnancy with DH while dating
    October & November 2013: IUI #1 & 2 - BFN
    December 2013:Taking a break, trying on our own.
    January 2014: BFP!!!! Ectopic pregnancy ruptured at 6wks1day. Left Fallopian tube removed. Noted during surgery the right Fallopian tube is severely damaged from 2004 ectopic pregnancy.
    April 8 2014: IVF#1 w/ISCI: 10 received, 5 mature, 3 fertilized. Day 3 transfer of all three embies.
    April 22, 2014: BFP! beta #1: 80 beta #2: 211 One nugget! 
    January 6, 2015: Adeline Marguerite is here!!

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    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Congrats and good luck :)


     All Welcome :)


    ***Losses mentioned***

    ***TTC since June 2011
    ***DH to see urologist Feb. 2013
    ***BFP #1: Feb. 2nd, 2013; M/C #1: Feb. 12th, 2013 5w3d :'(
    ***1st RE appt. April 10th, 2013
    ***IUIs #1-4 all failed
    ***IVF Consult October 7th, 2013
    ***IVF #1- January 2014: ER 1/20, ET of 2 embryos 1/23, Beta 2/5 *none to freeze*

    ***Feb 14th, 2014- M/C #2 @ 5w5d :'(

    ***RPL Bloodwork---- diagnosed with Factor V Leiden and MTHFR

    ***appt. w/ Genetic Counselor- April 18th

    ***hysteroscopy/laparoscopy scheduled for May 22nd- looks good

    ***IVF #2- July 2014

    ***7/26 Retrieval- 3 eggs :( , 2 fertilized :), none to freeze

    ***7/28 ET- 2dt of 2 embryos, stick little embies!!!

    ***8/11 beta- BFN :(

    ***WTF- DE IVF best option now

    ***DE IVF- January 2015




    imageMissing my 5 angels

  • Yay! That's awesome news, BIG congrats to you!!

  • Congrats!  So exciting!

    My TTC Story:

    Me: 40,DH: 48, Married 10/07/2011, TTC since 09/2011, 03/2012 Started Clomid, 04/2012
    Clomid, 05/2012 Clomid, 06/2012 Went to RE, he found a plum size fibroid in uterus, husband has low sperm count, 06/06/2012 Removed fibroid, 08/2012 Hysteroscopy
    IVF #1 October 2012 - Retrieved 8 eggs, 5 fertilized, 10/13/2012 Transferred 3 embryos - 8, 5, and 4 cells,
    the other 2 eggs did not survive freezing, 10/26/2012 BFP!! Beta: 11, 10/26/12 Beta: 2 = Chemical Pregnancy
    IVF #2 - March 2014 - Mini IVF - Retrieved 5 eggs, 4 fertilized, 4 Frosties - 8, 9, 7, and 7 cells all in good condition. 

    IVF #3 - May 2014 - Mini IVF - Retrieved 2 eggs, 2 fertilized, 2 Frosties - 6 and 8 in good condition. 
    FET #1 - September 2014 - Transferred 2 embryos - both 8 cells - BFN

    FET#2 - November 2014 - Transferred 2 embryos - BFN

    FET#3 - February 2014

    *PAIF/SAIF Welcome*

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  • Congratulations!
    Me - 32 H - 32
    Married July 2009
    TTC#1 since Feb 2013
    RE consult Oct 2013 due to short cycles/light periods
    Dx: Diminished ovarian reserve/unexplained thinned uterine lining
    IVF#1 May 2014 - Follistim/Menopur/Ganirelix - 7R 4M 3F - 1 frosty (4AB)
    IVF#2 August 2014 - Lupron/Follistim/Menopur - 9R 4M 0F
    IVF#3 w/ICSI September 2014 - Follistim/Menopur/Ganirelix - 4R 4M 4F - 1 frosty
    FET#1 Dec 2014 - Lupron/Estrace(transdermal and vaginal)/Viagra/G-CSF wash - Cancelled due to poor lining response
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