Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Sudden, Uncontrollable Crying

My daughter is 4 months old and just about the happiest little thing you've ever seen. She is always smiling, cooing and lately, laughing. As young babies go, she requires very little soothing - she really only cries if something is wrong.

However, there have now been 2 occasions where she has gone from content and smiling to uncontrollably screaming and crying (like she is in pain) out of absolutely no where. The latest incident was last night. She cried as hard as I've ever heard her cry for 15 straight minutes and NOTHING worked to stop her. When she finally did stop, she went back to being happy and smiley and cooing. WTF?!

I would point to gas (she has had some constipation issues), but she never did pass gas or poop after the crying attack. And she hadn't recently eaten, so I really don't think it was gas? I don't know. I'm just worried something could be wrong! In going to ask my pedi next week when I take her in for her 4 mos shots, but I thought I'd throw it out there... Any experience with this ladies?? Hoping my little girl is ok!!!

Re: Sudden, Uncontrollable Crying

  • My son is your daughters twin lol happiest baby ever all the time rarely cries even when it was feeding time & little maintainace required lol but at about 4 months he just burst out crying like he was in pain for a few min then like nothing ever happened turned out to be absolutely nothing even Ped said he was totally normal and 100% healthy .. Bring it up to yor pedis but unless you see more symptoms or it continuing more frequently I wouldn't worry I did and it was all in vain
  • dglvrk2dglvrk2 member
    edited April 2014
    My DD#2 will be three months in a few days. She did this last night for the first time; cried for nearly 20 minutes. After about 10 minutes I put her in a quiet room in her lamb chair and put on some soft music and dimmed the lights. She was happily sleeping 10-15 minutes later. She woke up about 45 minutes later for her late evening feed. Then she slept like a champ last night. She hasn't pooped since yesterday morning, so she might be constipated. She could have been overly tired. Who knows. Unless this starts happening multiple times a day, I'm just going to roll with it...A few episodes of random but unstoppable crying seem like normal infant behavior to me.
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  • Could it be teething? DD will scream for a few minutes and tug at her ears. I let her gum on one Hylands teething tablet and it seems to help.
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    BFP 7.7.09 - CVS 9.10.09 (Girl) - 9.24.09 Severe Fatal Malformation - D&E 10.7.09 @ 17wks
    BFP 6.1.10 - 6.10.10 Ectopic M/C @ 5wks
    BFP 10.26.10 - 10.29.10 CP
    BFP 1.30.11 - CVS 3.28.11 (Girl) - EDD 10.11.11 - Born 10.6.11
    BFP 12.18.12 - 12.20.12 CP
    BFP 3.18.13 - CVS 5.21.13 (Girl) - EDD 12.2.13 - Born 11.24.13
    BFP 6.10.14 - CVS 7.2.14 (Girl) - EDD 1.12.15 - Born sleeping 8.6.14 @ 17w5d
  • Absolutely no need to worry my baby did the exact same thing!! I have a five month old and don't worry, nothing is wrong! My first go to is to always do the check of 3: is the baby hungry? Wet diaper?, or clothing pinching? If not any of those then two big culprits can be teething and gas/belly ache. Remember that you can have a belly ache without pooping after, he/she could have had sharp pain and then farted it out in his/her sleep. Also sometimes my LO gets random cry spurts when her poor teeth hurt. What always helps calm my baby is her nuk, a rice heating pad on her belly, and a snuggle from mommy :)
  • Have you ever tried to see if she has deeply lodged boogers?! Sounds crazy I know but when my son does that it has been something irritating him when he is breathing every time. I use a nose Frieda to get it out and it really helps.
  • My LO has just started this same thing (5 months). Except the first time she did it she cried for almost an hour. There was nothing i could do to comfort her. Checked her diaper, she had just eaten, gave her tummy drops in case it was gas, changed position every few minutes. Nothing seemed to work. Now i have it down where as soon as it starts i give her tummy drops just in case and then go into the nursery with the lights off and put on tranquil turtle and rock her until she eventually calms down. Its rough bc it sounds like she is in pain and her screams and cries make me cry but i just hold her until she puts herself to sleep.
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