Single Parents

Birth Control

I'm not sexually active right now and really don't presume to be anytime soon. I prefer not to use birth control when I'm not SA but I know it's something I have to think about. I love the NuvaRing, but hear all the hype about it killing people so...yeah. I can't use anything but condoms, shot, and IUD because breastfeeding. I'm not amped on ANY of these options. AT. ALL.

What do you all use and why? This sucks.

PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014

Re: Birth Control

  • Im on the mirena as much as bf and i want all the babies. Babies dont fit into our five year plan. Plus im alergic to latex so that makes condoms a no for us.

    I cant remember to take the pill, or change the nuva ring(obviously) so it had to be birth control where i dont have to think about it for five years when babies do fit into the plan.

    For what its worth i like my mirena. I had a two month period after i got it, but after that i have light spotting for a couple days every month which i love cause im still not feeling brave about tampons.
  • I use nothing right now but I'm not SA. If/when it happens I'll use condoms. According to my doctor I'm too fat for BCP to be effective and the idea of an IUD just freaks me out.
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  • I take the pill, I'm weirded out by other methods (other than condoms as well).
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  • Im terrible at taking the pill
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  • This is something I'm dreading when I re-enter the dating scene. I am considering a copper implant, but I hear it can make your cycles miserable. I might start reading up on female reproduction and temping my cycles. They are EXTREMELY irregular without any BC, so I'm not sure how that would work out.


  • eg214eg214 member
    Yeah so I am not cool with synthetic anything which is my problem. A DR did say copper is a no go for the IUD. He said it does make heavier periods and since I already have bueno. There is a plastic option or something. I just don't like the idea of not getting a period (our bodies were made to have a monthly IMO) nor something that stays up there for years. I cant take BCP bc I can't remember and it wacks me all up. Dry down there (using lube with ur first bf in high school...ummm sucky) and depression.

    Fml. I loved the ring but all these stories are freaking me out.

    I may end up charting and using condoms and like spermecide and like pulling out all at the same time. Lmao. No more kids for me please.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • Is the patch an option for you? I used the patch for awhile in high school amd liked it aside from forgetting i was wearing it thus for forgetting to change it.
  • I need to start to consider this. I can't even phathom another child. 2u2 is kicking my ass, especially doing it alone.
  • I had no problem with the pill when I was taking them. They worked well for me and were effective until the sinus infection, flu and my gyno not wanting to prescribe me a back up pack and being able to squeeze me in to see me for my annual (glad I got a new one)... I asked about the pill again but because of my HBP, it is a no go and I must have it under control consistently before the conversation can come up again with my doctor. THE IUD is out because of my fibroids and the way my uterus and cervix is tilted. Before the Ex-Fiance' and I broke up and the few times we did have sex, we used the rhythm pull out method.

    So when I do get SA with someone, it will be condoms until I get the clear from my doctor for BCP. Oh I also considered the implant under the arm.
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  • eg214eg214 member
    I will have to check into the patch @minnesotamomma91. The gyno didnt mention it so I'm guessing it has estrogen and I think he said those are no nos. I can't remember if the estrogen is the yes or the nos. Maybe my next guy will already have been married, have kids, & be snipped.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • If your interested in the paych but cant while nursing and you find someone who you want to be sexually active with while nursing there is always condoms
  • eg214eg214 member
    Yeah when that time comes I think we will do condoms and charting. I'm not taking the chance of one breaking.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
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