What is your routine for feeding/changing babies? Right now DH is home so he changes and brings me babies to nurse and burps in between. I can't figure out how to do it on my own though so would love to know your routine. I can tandem feed but my smaller baby typically needs a bottle of breast milk after feeding too.
I'm hoping to allow DH to sleep through a feeding at night too once he goes back to work but have to figure out the logistics first. Thanks for any help!
Re: BF MoMs of twins
H would change and bring them to me MOTN and then fall back to sleep while I was feeding them. I'd wake him up to help me put them back, so he actually got quite a bit more sleep than I did - it was just punctuated w 2 quick wake ups. I was the one up for an hour feeding them.
ETA sorry for the horrible formatting I'm movie bumping and nursing them as I type this.
^^ I could have written this exactly.