Two Under 2

Birthday party for oldest close to DD?

My son's second birthday is Nov. 16. My due date with No. 2 is Oct 29. DS1 was two weeks late (DD was Nov. 1, and I was induced at 42 weeks), so who knows when this baby will come. By the time of DS1's 2nd birthday, I could have a two- or three-week-old, but I could also have a 2-day-old!

I realize I might be a little crazy to think about throwing him a birthday with a newborn. I know he probably won't really care about his birthday yet. But I loved throwing him a party for his first birthday, and I feel like he's going to struggle enough with the new baby and feeling like he's not getting as much attention that maybe the timing is actually perfect? It'd just be family and a few really close friends (and only a few other kids). I could keep it simple and have everything planned ahead of time and just have my MIL and mom on call to set everything up for me if the baby does come late and I need help.

Is anyone else planning to throw their first baby a birthday with a newborn? Someone suggested just doing it a month early, but for some reason, I really want to do it for his actual birthday. It feels really important to me right now.
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Re: Birthday party for oldest close to DD?

  • Honestly you are probably just feeling this way out of guilt that you are taking something away from your DS. I think you should have the party either a month early or late. Your son will not know the difference, and it will make a huge difference for you. Unless you are just talking grandparents over for cake and gifts, the type of thing where you can be upstairs nursing the whole time and no one cares. I would not invite friends over. I don't like the idea of other kids around my brand new baby with their germs. I wouldn't want to have to get dressed and entertain when I'm sweaty and bleeding everywhere. You could certainly have immediate family only on his actual bday and save the fun friends party for when you are a bit more recovered.
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  • ateachateach member
    I am wondering the same thing. I am due November 28 and DD turns 2 on December 28. She was also very late so it would probably be me having a 2-3 week old. I am thinking we'll do her party mid-January, but then that will also be around the time we want to do new baby's baptism! That might be too much on me. Maybe I can combine them? No clue.... Sorry I am not much help! Just thinking "out loud!"
    1 Baby Girl 12/28/12 
    #2 due 11/28/14
    2 Angel Babies 9/11, 2/12

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    I am in a similar situation but not with my oldest. DD was due 8/20 and came on 8/8. Her second birthday is coming up and I am due 8/21 this time around. She is my middle child but its virtually the same situation. I've already scheduled her party one week early (it will be 8/2 instead of 8/10). Chances are I will not have given birth by then but it is still a possibility. I'm scheduling it and going ahead with plans. If I have a two day old- so be it. We'll order pizza and we're getting a bounce house, cake. Simple and easy and her day will still be special. Honestly, it will be chaotic no matter when it is!!

    DS: Oliver 12/28/10
    DD: Alice 8/8/12

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