Pregnant after a Loss

First beta -- stupid doctor rant

OB called with first beta results from 13DPO and progesterone. Progesterone was good, so yay for that! Then he says "but your beta was low" and my heart is up in my throat... 61. At 13DPO? That's low? I had implantation cramping on the evening of 9DPO -- so less than 4 days later it's 61. I think that's pretty good! Beta Base has the median at 13DPO at 64, so I'm right in the middle. Why do doctors have to be so annoying? He started asking me if I'd had any bleeding or cramping, no and no, and he says "well, maybe you're just really early in pregnancy". Umm... yeah. 13DPO. *face palm*  You ladies ever feel like you know more than your medical professionals? Anyways, repeat betas are scheduled for Monday, so it would a week after the first draw. Pretty sure I won't be able to hold out that long and will likely be ordering them myself on this afternoon. Anywho, rant over!

DS born 10/22/2008
DD born 12/23/2014

m/c @10wks 12/2007
m/c @4wks 3/2014

Re: First beta -- stupid doctor rant

  • Yes, I feel like that often.  I'm sorry your doctor caused you to *facepalm*.  Never a good thing…  haha, anyway, I'm glad the numbers were good though!!
    BFP #1 October 2008 | m/c Thanksgiving weekend | November 2008 | 7 weeks 2 days
    BFP #2 February 2009 | m/c March 2009 | 4 weeks 3 days
    Testing on mom and dad for possible reasons all came back normal.
    BFP #3 8/4/2009 | DD born 3/28/10 @ 38 weeks
    BFP #4 5/13/11 | m/c 6/15/11 | 8 weeks 6 days
    BFP #5 2/13/13 | CP 2/19/13 | 4 weeks 
    BFP #6 3/21/14 | Heard the HB on 4/16 | m/c 4/21/14 | 9 weeks
    Testing results all returned normal and baby was a GIRL.
    More testing on mom and dad for other issues all returned normal results.
    BFP #7 10/15 | DS born 6/4/16 @ 36 weeks 
    BFP #8 9/28/17 AHHH!!!  |  EDD 6/6/18

    "Dear Lord, I would have loved to have held my babies on my lap & tell them about you, but since I didn't get the chance, would you please hold them on your lap & tell them about me?"
    All are welcome!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • Ugh...frustrating.  I agree that 61 sounds totally reasonable! Sorry he seemed to be so misinformed.
    Married 8/4/12
    BFP #1 EDD 12/5/13, MMC
    BFP #2 EDD 4/27/14- Our rainbow arrived 5/1/14!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • ((Hugs)) that doc is being a dick.

    mean_girls_35345Image and video hosting by TinyPic         PAL Sep challenge George Takei image
    Started dating in 5/9/05, Married 6/25/11
    Started TTC Feb 2013, BFP #1 3/4/13 EDD 11/10/13. MMC 4/9/13 D&C 4/22/13.
    BFP #2 7/17/13, EDD 3/29/14 ended in a CP on 7/22/13.
    BFP#3 8/19/13 EDD 5/3/14 Nerdling was born 4/29/14, welcome little one!
     All AL welcome.

    image   Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Oh geez. As long as that number doubles youre in good shape! ((Hugs)) I'm sorry the doctor freaked you out.
  • You ladies are awesome :)  I went ahead and ordered labs and had them drawn today so that I won't go crazy waiting until Monday. SO is running a 100 mile race this weekend and I want all my focus/worries to be on him and not my could-be betas. Should find out the results tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

    DS born 10/22/2008
    DD born 12/23/2014

    m/c @10wks 12/2007
    m/c @4wks 3/2014

  • I think I started at 17? No clue on dpo as I had taken a break from charting/temping. Like PP have said, they've got to start somewhere! FX for doubling!! :):):)
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic TTC since 4/12 BFP #1 11/15/12, MC/possible ectopic 11/20, natural MC BFP #2 1/15/13, ectopic discovered 2/15, surgery, R tube removed
  • Mine were low to start too. You can see them in my siggy, but they catch up fast!  Good luck, and I hope you have a H&H 9 months!
    BFP 11/24/2012  MMC 1/21/2013 - BFP 3/29/2013  MC 4/8/2013 - BFP 4/25/2013 MC 5/6/2013 - 5/17/2013 Diagnosed with LPD - BFP 8/24/13  MC 9/6/2013
    BFP: 12/19/13  - Beta 1@11dpo: 26.8 - Beta 6@23dpo: 3,672
    Our Rainbow Son Born August 26, 2014
    Lilypie - (nueR)
    All ALers welcome!
  • I had the same thing happen, my first beta was like 52 at 13-14 dpo.  It's all about the doubling!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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