
Double penetration of Drag (Spoilers)

myskyegirlmyskyegirl member
edited April 2014 in Parenting
Did you ladies watch the back to back eps of Drag Race?  I have no idea what's going on with Darian Lake, but she's turned into a complete bitch, it's turning me against her, I hate the way she treats Ben, I love Ben.  The first eps where they both had to fight for their lives, Darian really should have gone home, although I HATE the new I'm going to take my clothes off to make a statement, It's turning into the wigflip.  

Oh and I'm soooo in LURVE Bianca!!  

I was starting to like Adore, but then she started doing that gasping fish thing about with her lips and I'm like, nope, don't like you anymore.  

Trinity finally stepped up and KILLED IT. I thought Bianca was hysterical, but they should have given it to Trinity.  

I know Joslyn is still reeling from Courtney's comments, but I think she still would have said the same things had she been paired with someone else. My impression is that she's full of herself, so even if she was paired with say Bianca, I think she'd try saying the same thing, although Bianca would have bitch slapped her into next week.  

So, So, So glad Laganja went home, really how could you not know you sound like a fool in drag, but a normal person out of drag???  The next to go needs to be Adore. 

Your thoughts?

Re: Double penetration of Drag (Spoilers)

  • I think you and I share a brain, except I still am still ok with Adore.  Darian is getting really mean and I have no idea where it came from except jealousy.  Maybe they will discuss it more at the reunion because I really can't place where Ben did anything to her.

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