Hi there, I'm not sure if this is the right board to post this question on but I don't know where else to look.
My husband has Crohn's Disease and my DS who is 2 1/2 has started showing some "symptoms", though I don't know if they are signs for sure and am looking to see if anyone else has a child with Crohn's and what their early symptoms were.
DS started potty training in January, he has done very well with it. It took him about a month before he would poop in the potty as he preferred to do that in his diaper. Now he goes on the potty but he doesn't go for about 3-4 days then cries about his stomach hurting and finally when he does go, it is all at once. I don't know how so much can get backed up in such a little boy. The stool is always soft and greenish looking, and more often than not he has a little bit of bright red blood when I wipe him.
So again, my question to any IBD mom's is does this sound like it could be the start of Crohn's, or could he still just be adjusting to potty training? We will be contacting the pediatrician, I was just looking to see if anyone has a similar experience. Any gastro issues make me paranoid because of all that DH has gone through.
Re: Kids with Crohn's?
Sebastian: March 3, 2010
2nd Tri Angel Baby: November 2012
McKenna: December 2, 2013