Food Allergy

First Allergist Appt!

So the little guy finally had his allergist appointment, after waiting something like 8 or 9 weeks (super long!).  We knew ahead of time about the peanuts and eggs, so we were prescribed an epi-pen.  We wanted two of the two-packs, but our insurance only covers one (ugh).  He was scratch-tested for fish and tree nuts, and he was a negative on all of those, but I'm still paranoid about cross-contamination with so many nut butters and peanuts, so we gave him sunflower seed butter today for the first time.  No reaction...and such an awesome feeling! 

But it's know when you think you're pregnant, and suddenly you see pregnant women everywhere? It's like that with peanuts now for me. I took my son to the library the other day, and in the elevator, some dude was eating a styrofoam cup full of peanuts! Slowest elevator ride ever.  Then, when we were at our accountant's office to file our taxes, the little guy toddled into a conference room, where there was an open tub of peanuts and a few on the floor.  He picked one up and I totally panicked and scrubbed his hands clean.  I wasn't even a snack room, wtf??


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Re: First Allergist Appt!

  • I just wanted to say that I completely know how you feel...DD has a peanut allergy and was diagnosed at 13 months.  I swear, I never realized how peanuts are EVERYWHERE!  I want to irrationally ban them from everywhere...sort of like smoking ;)
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