Sorry if this is a bit long. My DD is 9.5 months old and up until the past few weeks we were lucky enough not to have any bumps in the road in terms of BFing. She now has four teeth on top and every time she nurses her teeth sink in and rub against my nipple. It has caused a lot of pain, especially on my left nipple. I even had to EP on the left side for a couple of weeks because she caused a really bad sore to come up and I couldn't handle it and thought it might get infected. I think this has caused my supply to take a hit because she has lost five oz in the past three months and dropped from the 98th to the 70th percentile. The pedi suggested supplementing, but this of course doesn't resolve the underlying issue. It is still painful and I have sores on both sides from her teeth. It isn't that she is biting me, but I think it is the way she is latching while nursing. I am meeting with a LC in a couple of days, but thought I would ask the ladies on this board if they had experienced anything like this with their LO's teeth. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Re: Teeth and latching issues.