
Pumping frustrations

I'm trying really hard to build up my stash, I'm giving LO one 3 oz. bottle a day to get her used to them, per LC. However, I have to pump all day in order just to get enough for that 3 oz. bottle, so I never get ahead. Also LO downs the bottle so fast and then still wants to feed off me again, so it seems I can never pump. I'm getting really frustrated..

I don't think I have supply issues. LO has been gaining weight, but it's obvious I need to build up my supply in order to get my stash. Because each day I barely pump enough to make that one bottle :( I'm really worries about what's gonna happen when I go back to work with no stash to feed my baby. I guess this turned more into a vent...thanks for listening.
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Re: Pumping frustrations

  • Breathe :) try pumping very first thing after the longest stretch LO sleeps, opposite the side she feeds on. That's when production will be highest. I get the mist milk pumping and feeding at the same time. Pumping all day like that will make you crazy. You only need enough milk for the first day if daycare. After that you will be pumping for the next day while at work. Stashed are helpful but not needed if not possible.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • My lo always feeds both sides, so I never got ahead more than the few bottles needed for first day of daycare , but it's worked out fine. I pump enough at work for the next day with a quick pump right before bed that gets me a couple ounces to top off the daycare bottles or set aside for later.

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  • I am also feeding off both sides, but don't know if I nessicarly have to? I usually do it just becasue LO falls asleep on one side, so I burp then switch sides. Do you think I would have more results pumping if I tried to only feed on one side and they always pump the other?
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  • I feel you on the vent! It's so hard for me to find time to pump. I'm home alone all day and by the evenings when DH gets home, baby wants to cluster feed. During the day, I'm lucky if he naps for 20 minutes while I'm not holding him. I only get great naps while he's in a wrap, and I can't pump while he's strapped to my chest!

    I second the advice of pumping in the morning. You're most likely to get more milk then, and that can also be the time the baby eats from the bottle. Also, in addition to not needing a huge stash, the baby should be able to acclimate to the bottle with maybe 3-4 bottles a week. 

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  • I would not pump more than just that morning pump, or if baby sttn, consider waking in the motn to pump if you really want to build a stash.

    I can't tell how old your LO is, but based on your ticker, I'm guessing under a month. As long as you intro a bottle by 5 or 6 weeks, most LO's don't have much trouble transitioning and are they get the hang of it, it doesn't need to be every day.

    So if you pumped 3 oz every day, with the first morning pump, just feed LO on one side that feeding, for say, the next 2 weeks only, you'd have a 42 oz stash. Which isn't huge, but is adequate and you can continue to pump one side for the rest of your leave and just give the milk every other day. Say you pump 6 oz in 2 days time, you could gave baby 2-3 of those ounces in a bottle. Alternately, you can give the bottle every day and while someone does that, you pump in it's place.
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  • Why do you need a stash?
    Natural m/c Oct. 2005

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    BPF 02/19/12, EDD 10/31/12, natural m/c 02/28/12 (4w6d)

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    Our rainbows were born 07/19/13 (36w, 5d)

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  • When LO gets a little older, I'm working with PP assumption that your LO is about a month old, so around 2 months, try to work in a pumping session about an hour or two after LO goes to bed. That is assuming you have a longer stretch of sleep then. I found for my life, an extra pumping session at night is more convenient than in the morning. If LO wakes up right after I've pumped, then I give her the freshly pumped milk and my savings that day don't happen, but most days, I get milk for my stash.
  • i don't think you need to give one bottle a day just for practice! that seems like a lot. i had always heard once a week, or maybe once every couple of days, just to keep them used to it. it's really hard to get extra milk  pumped when you're nursing f/t anyway, so that seems like a tall order. i could only really get an ounce or so at a time when i was nursing and pumping to build up a stash. i say cut yourself a break. :)
  • Is your pump functioning properly & do you have correct fitting flanges?  

    Are you pumping while LO gets the bottle?

    How long are you pumping for?

    Try pumping while LO gets bottle in addition to pumping right after first morning feed.  Some people have trouble responding to the pump and this can vary day to day.  Try looking at a picture of LO or holding a blanket while you are pumping.  
  • I was never able to consistently pump when I was home with my baby -- I got next to nothing when I pumped after he ate, and in the evenings he was cluster feeding a lot. Over the course of several weeks, I was able to stock enough milk for my first day back to work -- but not much more.  But since then, I've been able to pump enough every day to take care of the next day.  
  • Thank you all so much for the advice!! I feel a lot better about things after reading all you responses.
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