Single Parents

How does it work...

If we go through all this legal mumbo jumbo and he doesn't show to see her or rarely sees her? Can I file a motion to take away the custody/visitation we formerly agreed to? Modification...

PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014

Re: How does it work...

  • If he breaks the co.set in place his rights to visitation and custody can be taken away
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  • I've been documenting like crazy...I hope it works. I will let you know on 4/17 when I go to court.
    He has repeatedly not shown up when he was supposed to or not done face time when he was supposed to. I think we had 3 incidents with Face Time and 2 with pick up at daycare.

    You can't be expected to keep allowing someone to see your child if they don't keep showing up. You need to be able to plan your life. That's nuts.
  • Oh, and that is within a 3 week time frame!
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