Postpartum Depression

I'm weaning off of Zoloft

After some severe PPA, I'm weaning off of Zoloft to TTC baby #2. I'm doing this under an MD's supervision. I feel crazy right now. I am so, so full of anger. Everyone is ticking me off. I also can't concentrate at work at all and I'm getting really behind. Anyway, just looking for support, tips for coping, words of wisdom.
DD born 11/20/11

Re: I'm weaning off of Zoloft

  • flclflcl member
    How have things been going?  Hang in there, weaning off of antidepressants definitely messes with your emotions.  However, if you find that you're having a tough time completing tasks you've always been able to do, you may have been weaning a bit too quickly.  Did you talk to your doctor about how you're feeling?  

    It's normal to have shifts in your mood but if you can't get through your day-to-day activities, you need to say something.  GL !
  • I just weaned off myself before i got pregnant, i was only at 50mg so it was not that bad but i had a hard time and a few paniky episodes, i tried to wean off as slow as i could. Now that i have been off it a few months i still feel fine and everything has normaled out =)

    I had moodswings but nothing i couldnt handle with some calmness or a nap 

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  • I deff noticed a lack of concentration but mine came back 

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  • lb1117lb1117 member
    I haven't tried weaning off, but if you're having a really hard time, I would talk to your dr about staying on a low dose to keep things regulated. I actually started taking it during pregnancy.

    Congrats to my TTC buddy Madeline! Cheering for all the strong 3T ladies! 

    TTC since March 2012; DX: PCOS 4/2013 
    BFP 7/6/2013; EDD 3/7/2014 
    Diagnosed with Pre-E: 2/15/201
    Emergency induction: 2/16/2014
    Baby E born: 2/16/2014 at 12:56pm. 5lb 15oz

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  • I just weaned myself off. It's been a few days since I've taken it. I did it very, very slowly. I just kept cutting the pills down into tiny pieces. I have felt a little more emotional and unfocused, but nothing I can't handle. I did try to wean once before and really felt it. Hopefully, this time I can stay off for good. Good luck!
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