Please be careful when making an article out of these stories. So many women are already afraid of labor and delivery. Reading negative stories just makes it worse.
Parent of
Baby Boy M, born December 2013
Angels: Miscarriage @ 9 weeks, May 2015, Chemical Pregnancy November 2015
I think this is a fun topic! Well the worst thing now is that i pooped a bit during almost every push! How embarrassing but at the time I didn't give a damn lol I also told my mother she was a failure because she was making me hyperventilate when we were doing breath exercises together. She just laughed and said she was too excited to breath slow
Having been living with my mother at the time I was already repressing my annoyances with her. Which is not a good recipe when you're trying to go through labor naturally!
She had kept going on for months that I should let her braid my hair like she did when I was little. Each time I politely told her no, I did not want that. In the delivery room during a contraction she said, "You really should just let me braid your hair." That was it and I blew up. I don't quite remember what I said, but it most likely involved the f-word. She backed off after that and everything went fine.
Worst thing I did during labor was ask the anesthesiologist to come back in an hour! LOL I thought I could be a badass but after 30 minutes I screamed to the nurse to get me the epidural lady!
Re: Worst thing you did during labor?