1. How are you? Doing good, we've finally got some good weather!
2. Weekend highlight / lowlight? Highlight - my cousin's baby shower was this weekend so I got to see a lot of family. Lowlight - since we were out of town for the shower, DS had a terrible night on Friday... between teething, a growth spurt and not being in his own bed, poor thing didn't fall asleep until 4am.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? This week... not a lot going on really. Hopefully a date night with dh!
4. Because DH and I are having a disagreement - how does soda taste best, from a can, a bottle, a 2 liter, or from a fountain machine? Fountain pop, definitely! Then... can, bottle, 2 liter.
2. Highlight - had my college friend stay with us this weekend, it was great to catch up and actually spend some real time together! I don't think their was a lowlight
3. Looking forward to working outside this weekend!
4. I say can, fountain, bottle, 2-liter (does anyone actually think a 2-liter would taste best? )
2. We went to KY for my mom's 60th birthday and surprised her with a family photo shoot. I can't wait to see how they turned out! Lowlight - Eli never sleeps well when we're not at home and I discovered that all my frozen breastmilk is bad due to a lipase issue. :-(
3. Busy week! I's 4 month appointment, oil change, vet, and maybe a trip to the zoo or children's museum all this week, and working 2 nights at the museum this weekend. A little scared to leave DH alone and put both kids to bed by himself for the first time.
4. Can or bottle. I must be the odd one out who thinks that fountain soda doesn't taste good...it goes flat so quickly!
1. How are you? Tired and not at all happy to have woken up to snow this morning. Enough already Indiana.
2. Weekend highlight / lowlight? Highlight- We had a really fun day on Saturday at the Zoo and DH and I had a date night. Lowlight- M&M had pinkeye and a double ear infection.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? We are leaving for vacation on Thursday. I can't wait!
Because DH and I are having a disagreement - how does soda taste best,
from a can, a bottle, a 2 liter, or from a fountain machine? Hands down it is best from a fountain machine. Second best is from a can poured into a glass.
Re: Weekly Check-In