I want to go to a Seder for Passover with the baby this year. It would be about a 2 hour drive each way. And we would be home late, of course. My baby has just finally fallen into a bed time routine, and sleeps from 6:30-6:30/7:00. He is not a "sleepy baby" either. He isn't one of those magic babies that passes out in the jumparoo, or while we're out running errands. I really want to do the Seder, but I'm afraid that when we get home he won't go down for the night. I also don't see him napping at the dinner. How do you all handle things like this? Am I overthinking it?
Re: Out late with LO
It's either that or become a hostage to LO's sleep. I like keeping her on her schedule but I also want her to be flexible and adaptable.
9/13/12 BFP 9/25/12 M/C at 6.5 weeks
***All AL'ers Welcome***
My girls almost always sleep in the car so whatever happens I think they'll be asleep by the time we get home and I'll probably just let them stay in the car seats until they wake and then transfer them. I don't usually let them sleep on tnose but they are terrible sleepers and wake up every 2-3 hours anyway so i don't want to wake them unless I have to.