October 2013 Moms

Out late with LO

I want to go to a Seder for Passover with the baby this year. It would be about a 2 hour drive each way. And we would be home late, of course. My baby has just finally fallen into a bed time routine, and sleeps from 6:30-6:30/7:00. He is not a "sleepy baby" either. He isn't one of those magic babies that passes out in the jumparoo, or while we're out running errands. I really want to do the Seder, but I'm afraid that when we get home he won't go down for the night. I also don't see him napping at the dinner. How do you all handle things like this? Am I overthinking it?
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Re: Out late with LO

  • I really don't think he'd nap anywhere but home at this point. Even that is a toss-up sometimes. I could bring the PNP just in case, but I have a feeling I would put him down and he would "lolz" at me
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  • Personally, my LO does well when we go out later. If you have a place to put him down that would be best..otherwise I'm sure he'll fall asleep on the drive home and would probably fall back to sleep once he is in bed
  • I'm taking my LO to seder. I'm planning on bringing the carrier. She usually falls asleep when I wear her. I just hope the transfers to carseat and crib go well.
  • I'll definitely bring the Boba just in case
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  • Our bedtime schedule is fairly new as well, but in these past two weeks we have had a few days where we are out past his bedtime. My LO goes bonkers hyper when it's past his bedtime, so even though I won't give him a bath on nights that we are out later.. I will still give him an oil massage and read to him and spend time winding him down.  

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  • We're bringing the girls to a Seder at BILs house. I'm nervous about it, it's about an hour away. We are bringing their rnps and if they start getting tired or fussy I'll try to put them down in a quiet bedroom. Last time we tried this they got really overstimulated from all the noise (DH's family is so loud) and threw a massive double meltdown that forced us to leave the party. Crossing my fingers that doesn't happen again.

    My girls almost always sleep in the car so whatever happens I think they'll be asleep by the time we get home and I'll probably just let them stay in the car seats until they wake and then transfer them. I don't usually let them sleep on tnose but they are terrible sleepers and wake up every 2-3 hours anyway so i don't want to wake them unless I have to.


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  • If we're out past DD's bedtime, she will fall asleep in the car and is fairly easy to get back to sleep once we're home. It doesn't really throw her off at all. I would go, your LO might do just fine, esp if he has somewhere to sleep until you're ready to head home. Just don't forget his pjs

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Why are you punishing yourself with a Seder?

    #kidssederalltheway #15minutestops #eatallthefood

    I love Passover
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  • My first baby was hell when it came to sleep. If we were even 15 minutes off schedule, he would shriek for hours AND it took a week if not longer to get back to a reasonable bed habit. Like I said, hell. 

    When he was about this age we went to Christmas Eve (the main German day to celebrate...starting at 7pm) and I was a NERVOUS wreck about his upcoming meltdown. It went GREAT. Maybe it was the people, maybe it was the candles, maybe it was the joy in the room, or maybe God just gave us a pass. I have no idea. But it was great. 

    So, give it a try. And hopefully you'll also get a pass. 


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