Trouble TTC


I've been seeing a new RE just to get a second opinion before moving to IVF and he told me that my blood work came back for MTHFR Compound Heterozygous. I know i've seen some posts about this before, but I can't find them now. I'm wondering if anyone else has this diagnosis and what you were told this means? What is your protocol? 

I am meeting with my RE next week to discuss all results and was told on the phone i'd have to increase my folic acid intake and will have to take baby aspirin once pregnant. Some websites say this is no big deal and others make like this is a death sentence. 

Me and DH: 32, TTC since 2/2012
Dx: lean PCOS, low hormone levels, 2 CP's before seeing RE, MTHFR heterozygous
IUI #1 with clomid and ovidrel: BFN
IUI #2 with clomid (unresponsive), femara, ovidrel and novarel: Possible CP
IUI #3 with femara, ovidrel and novarel: BFN
IUI #4 with Follistim (115 iu) and ovidrel= BFN, developed OHSS, benched- 2 weeks of birth control pills
IUI #5 with Follistim (75iu) and ovidrel= BFN........Taking a medication break for a few months
IUI #6 with Follistim (75iu) every other day, femara and Lupron trigger= BFN
*Taking a long break to get healthy and research/prepare for IVF*
Goal: gain 5 lbs, gluten/dairy/soy/nut free
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3T June Siggy Challenge- Celebrity Crush: Woody Harrelson
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  • ****** Siggy Warning******

    Hello! I also have the MTHFR gene mutation (all the women in my family do). However I only have one copy where since yours is heterozygous i'm assuming you have two copies?

    While it is not a death sentence it definitely can feel like it when you start doing research! So try not to panic. My cousin does have both copies of MTHFR and she has had two very healthy pregnancies. What having the gene mutation means is that our bodies have a hard time absorbing folic acid.

    What your RE will probably do is do a blood test to check your homocystine (sp?) levels. This will give them a better idea of how much of the gene mutation you have. The fact that you are seeing an RE puts you in a great position to have this monitored.

    As for what I have had to change it has been very minimal, of course like I said I only have one copy so yours might be different. I just have to make sure I take a prenatal everyday (recommended anyway) and I am avoiding green tea because I did read it can hamper folic acid absorption even more.

    Try not to over research and worry (i know better said than done, I still worry with every ache and pain) and now that your RE knows about this you are in a much better position going forward. Good luck with everything! and feel free to ask any questions!

              --II-------- >  Siggy Warning < --------II--
    Me: 28  DH: 26
    TTC Since Sept '12
    10/2013: FirstRE appt.
    HSG and bloodwork normal;SA normal
    Dx: A-Typical PCOS  /  MTHFR folic acid gene mutation
    Treatments: Gonal-F Pen Injections
    11/22/13 - Ovidrel Trigger
    11/24/13 - IUI #1 -- BFN
    12/18/13 - Ovidrel Trigger
    12/20/13 - IUI #2 -- BFN 
    1/23/14  - IVF #1 Transfer
    2/3/14   - BFP! Beta #1 = 508
    2/5/14   - Beta #2 = 1193
    3/3/14   - 1st Ultrasound- 1 Bean, HR 171 bpm 
    4/3/14   - OB Ultrasound & Appointmnt

                   *~*~~ All Welcome ~~*~*
    AnniversaryPregnancy Ticker
  • @jmforte33 Thank you so much for your response. My Dr. did have me come in to do a blood test for homocystine (didn't get results back yet) and recommended me seeing a hematologist. I'm sure I will find out more info next week and it just really freaked me out knowing that there is now something else wrong... that's interesting that you mentioned green tea since I used to drink a lot of it and it actually made me feel pretty sick. I thought I was going crazy since it's supposed to be really good for you but I guess that was a sign lol...Thanks for your feedback and good luck with your pregnancy!

    Me and DH: 32, TTC since 2/2012
    Dx: lean PCOS, low hormone levels, 2 CP's before seeing RE, MTHFR heterozygous
    IUI #1 with clomid and ovidrel: BFN
    IUI #2 with clomid (unresponsive), femara, ovidrel and novarel: Possible CP
    IUI #3 with femara, ovidrel and novarel: BFN
    IUI #4 with Follistim (115 iu) and ovidrel= BFN, developed OHSS, benched- 2 weeks of birth control pills
    IUI #5 with Follistim (75iu) and ovidrel= BFN........Taking a medication break for a few months
    IUI #6 with Follistim (75iu) every other day, femara and Lupron trigger= BFN
    *Taking a long break to get healthy and research/prepare for IVF*
    Goal: gain 5 lbs, gluten/dairy/soy/nut free
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    3T June Siggy Challenge- Celebrity Crush: Woody Harrelson
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  • Loading the player...
  • Anytime! If I can pass along anything I've learned from going through all this then it makes it worth it. :) Thanks and I wish you all the best too

              --II-------- >  Siggy Warning < --------II--
    Me: 28  DH: 26
    TTC Since Sept '12
    10/2013: FirstRE appt.
    HSG and bloodwork normal;SA normal
    Dx: A-Typical PCOS  /  MTHFR folic acid gene mutation
    Treatments: Gonal-F Pen Injections
    11/22/13 - Ovidrel Trigger
    11/24/13 - IUI #1 -- BFN
    12/18/13 - Ovidrel Trigger
    12/20/13 - IUI #2 -- BFN 
    1/23/14  - IVF #1 Transfer
    2/3/14   - BFP! Beta #1 = 508
    2/5/14   - Beta #2 = 1193
    3/3/14   - 1st Ultrasound- 1 Bean, HR 171 bpm 
    4/3/14   - OB Ultrasound & Appointmnt

                   *~*~~ All Welcome ~~*~*
    AnniversaryPregnancy Ticker
  • I have nothing to contribute to this conversation, but I thought I would drive by and mention that I definitely read that as motherfucker the first time and since reading up on it, it sounds like a motherfucker indeed. As if IF wasn't enough, now you have to worry about that shit too? Lame. I'm sorry you're going through this!
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • I just have one copy and intake baby aspirin and Folgard...
    ***siggy/ticker warning***

    Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
    Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR,  DH: normal

     IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
    - poor responder
    ***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
    IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
    FET 5/20- BFP
    1st Beta- 641
    2nd beta- 2166
    Sono- TWINS!!!!
    Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks.  Healthy and no NICU!  So blessed!


  • Thanks! I'm going to ask my Dr. about Folgard when I see him. 

    Me and DH: 32, TTC since 2/2012
    Dx: lean PCOS, low hormone levels, 2 CP's before seeing RE, MTHFR heterozygous
    IUI #1 with clomid and ovidrel: BFN
    IUI #2 with clomid (unresponsive), femara, ovidrel and novarel: Possible CP
    IUI #3 with femara, ovidrel and novarel: BFN
    IUI #4 with Follistim (115 iu) and ovidrel= BFN, developed OHSS, benched- 2 weeks of birth control pills
    IUI #5 with Follistim (75iu) and ovidrel= BFN........Taking a medication break for a few months
    IUI #6 with Follistim (75iu) every other day, femara and Lupron trigger= BFN
    *Taking a long break to get healthy and research/prepare for IVF*
    Goal: gain 5 lbs, gluten/dairy/soy/nut free
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    3T June Siggy Challenge- Celebrity Crush: Woody Harrelson
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I have the heterozygous mutation.   (one bad copy)  So I take L-methyl folate, bio available b12, and b6 as well as special prenatal vits for people with the mutation.   I choose to do this rather than folgard, because I've read a lot of studies that say that the bio-available version of folic acid is better for those with the mutation.  I don't know what is true, but I figure it can't hurt to take the more bio-available version.  I'm getting the exact same dose as Folgard, but I feel better covering all bases of research by taking the versions I'm taking.  There are lots of opinions on this topic.  If you google MTHFR and pregnancy, you will find tons of info (more than you want.)  Sorry you are also dealing with this!  
  • @tumbleweed123‌ Thanks for the info. I saw a hematologist today and he told me this mutation is no big deal at all. He said as long as my homocystine levels are ok I am fine. I'm going to speak about this with my RE when we meet this week and mention what was suggested in this post. It really can't hurt to take extra folic acid and some b vitamins. There are definitely lots of opinions on this topic but it does seem manageable.

    Me and DH: 32, TTC since 2/2012
    Dx: lean PCOS, low hormone levels, 2 CP's before seeing RE, MTHFR heterozygous
    IUI #1 with clomid and ovidrel: BFN
    IUI #2 with clomid (unresponsive), femara, ovidrel and novarel: Possible CP
    IUI #3 with femara, ovidrel and novarel: BFN
    IUI #4 with Follistim (115 iu) and ovidrel= BFN, developed OHSS, benched- 2 weeks of birth control pills
    IUI #5 with Follistim (75iu) and ovidrel= BFN........Taking a medication break for a few months
    IUI #6 with Follistim (75iu) every other day, femara and Lupron trigger= BFN
    *Taking a long break to get healthy and research/prepare for IVF*
    Goal: gain 5 lbs, gluten/dairy/soy/nut free
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    3T June Siggy Challenge- Celebrity Crush: Woody Harrelson
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • JadziaDax I totally agree -- the most important part is that you have your homocystine levels tested and go from there.  Many women are not affected by the mutation, and others have to deal in more aggressive ways with it.  Also, I've found that some doctors are super alarmed and some think it is no big deal.  Ultimately, you should do what you and your doc are comfortable with. You seem to have a good grasp on it though, and a good plan moving forward.  :) 
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