May 2013 Moms

Why disney sucks

Recently I tried to buy Aladdin on dvd or bluray. I put on some adult clothes and braved the subway to arrive, excited, at the mall. As I stepped into the disney store I just knew my dream of my child loving Aladdin as much as I did was about to be realized. I approached the grown woman working at the disney store and asked to purchase Aladdin. After scoffing, she explained to me that Aladdin was being held hostage in the "disney Vault". "Where is this vault?" I inquired assuming that I could arrange a layover where I could travel to the vault and purchase his freedom. It's a metaphorical vault, you can't get ANY disney movies that are awesome. Disney apparently only releases them for a short period of time and then shoves them into a vault. Fuck You Disney! You have ruined C's childhood and I refuse to continue parenting her without Aladdin!!! now I have to break into Disney world and hold Mickey hostage until I get my disney classics on bluray. 

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Re: Why disney sucks

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  • Wow, I have some of these on video...and I kept my parents old video player not ideal......not pretty but Its Disney.

    I agree though Disney should not hold our childrens childhood hostage. especially since the new stuff they are coming up with is crap. They should also get rid of Pixar while they are getting rid of the vault.

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  • Disney is so money hungry , they honestly should be ashamed.

    BUT......people will pay WHATEVER they charge, whether at their parks or for their merchandise, so there's that.
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  • I don't care about paying a slightly ridiculous price for my favourites but to not be able to get them at all? (excluding amazon which doesn't love shipping to Canada) Thats just really frustrating for me, that I won't be able to get any of the ones they've already released and put in the vault. Anyways the pimply adult male that worked at the disney store told me that the rumour is ( are their message boards for disney videos?) they are releasing Aladdin this summer. just not in time for C's bday.

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  • blush64blush64 member
    edited April 2014
    I am really glad that I kept all the Disney and Pixar movies from when my boys were young. We already have all the titles I would want.

    Edit I am also glad that my boys were introduced to all movies not just "boy" movies. My oldest was obsessed with The Little Mermaid, he even had the comforter/sheet set. Mulan was another top choice of his.

    With my luck A is going to hate them all and I will watch everything alone when she sleeps.
  • mishy2006 said:

    I know it blows. I've been collecting a few that have come out of the vault recently. So far I have Peter Pan, Cinderella, and The Little Mermaid but I really want Lion King.

    Seriously Disney, I will be throwing money at you just give me my movies!

    I have Lion King. Found it at Walmart.
    TTC January 2010
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  • Oohgurl said:

    Thanks Lax, I just ordered a hundred bucks in movies because I am afraid they are going to go away! I can smuggle some into Canada for you, for a small price, that includes maple syrup and rope.  :-*

    Sexy. I'll start limbering up

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  • mmmmmmmm
    maple syrup beautiful gif
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  • Totally random, but did you know they actually use motor oil to "play" syrup in ads because it looks better than actual syrup? True story.
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  • CNJ4EVA said:
    Totally random, but did you know they actually use motor oil to "play" syrup in ads because it looks better than actual syrup? True story.
    you just ruined my Lax and maple syrup fantasy. 
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  • Oohgurl said:


    maple syrup beautiful gif

    You have no idea how sexually satisfying that image is to me. If boo doesn't step her game up he is going to find herself dumped.

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  • CNJ4EVACNJ4EVA member
    edited April 2014
    Oohgurl said:

    CNJ4EVA said:

    Totally random, but did you know they actually use motor oil to "play" syrup in ads because it looks better than actual syrup? True story.

    you just ruined my Lax and maple syrup fantasy. 

    Well of course you plan incorporating the real thing? May I suggest Uncle Luke's brand? It really is superior.
    Edit fucking quote boxes!
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  • Lax you could also try eBay!
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  • lizziebooperlizziebooper member
    edited April 2014
    @LaxMOM44 check out islands.jewels on ebay canada they have the 2004 special edition for 15.99 It is listed as  and I believe it said brand new. It just to clarify it isn't my site I am not trying to sell anything just trying to help a fellow bumpie.

    edited because I repeated myself
    edited again because I had another thought after seeing your gift ideas for 1st birthday. Have you thought of joining the Disney Movie Club Canada.  We did it and got some great deals and it didn't take long to full fill our commitment. If you are planning to start a collection for her you may want to check it out.

                                  Audrey    05/13                                               Charlotte 08/10
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  • Shoegal36Shoegal36 member
    edited April 2014
    I've been collecting them since high school and I'm only missing a few! I was just thinking today about how now I'll be able to buy them "for LO" but really it's for my collection. Ok well I guess I can call it "our" collection...I think I might buy US Frozen for Easter too :) 

    ETA: You know what else sucks? Keeping up with technology. When I started collecting I was all current having them on DVD, but noooo now the thing to have is Blu-ray. Booo. I feel bad for people that collected large amounts of VHS movies. 
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  • Shoegal36 said:

    I've been collecting them since high school and I'm only missing a few! I was just thinking today about how now I'll be able to buy them "for LO" but really it's for my collection. Ok well I guess I can call it "our" collection...I think I might buy US Frozen for Easter too :) 

    ETA: You know what else sucks? Keeping up with technology. When I started collecting I was all current having them on DVD, but noooo now the thing to have is Blu-ray. Booo. I feel bad for people that collected large amounts of VHS movies. 
    That last sentence. That would be me.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • sct728 Pixar and Disney has made some good films together and since I have a boy I will be watching a lot of toy story. I also love the original Cars. (not a big fan of the sequels.) I just miss the good old fashion hand drawn Disney movies, Aladdin, Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast. Plus and I do not blame this so much on Pixar as I do on the fact we are in a different era but what is with the new Disney series? WTH is Gravity Falls? I do not want my kid watching that.

    I have started stocking up on Talespin and chip and dale rescue rangers. The cartoons (be it movies or series) are just getting a little on the weird side, then they lock up the good old fashion movies that instill morals and values and leave us with gravity falls.  


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  • @lizziebooper‌ I think I'm going to join the movie club! I wanted to ask you though, are the movies pretty reasonably priced? I can't see the actual cost but I'm wondering if the ones you buy are more expensive than in stores. Not sure how long ago you did it.

    Sorry to hijack your thread @LaxMOM44‌ but you should check it out. I was calculating the costs and it really is a big savings even with the shipping charges.

    H is making fun of me and telling me to join Columbia House but whatever! I'm doing it!
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  • KashyKashy member
    wait wait wait, people still buy movies???  we haven't purchased a blueray/dvd in foreverrrrrrrrr

    we watch a lot of netflix and use our shaw on demand a lot (Canadian digital cable company)

    On the topic at hand -  I LOVE Aladdin!!!  I can mimic the whole movie word for word lol 

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  • LOL @Kashy‌ shhhh! You sound like my H. He says "ummm how about I just download every single one and put them all on a flash drive for you!"

    It's not the same! ;)
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  • Shoegal36 said:
    @lizziebooper‌ I think I'm going to join the movie club! I wanted to ask you though, are the movies pretty reasonably priced? I can't see the actual cost but I'm wondering if the ones you buy are more expensive than in stores. Not sure how long ago you did it. Sorry to hijack your thread @LaxMOM44‌ but you should check it out. I was calculating the costs and it really is a big savings even with the shipping charges. H is making fun of me and telling me to join Columbia House but whatever! I'm doing it!
    I think they are some are more some are a lot less. We just got Frozen and it was $26 for the dvd blue ray and digital copy, plus shipping of course. Often when you buy they give offers like get x amount of movies for say $5.99 when you buy one at regular price.

    With the offers they give for new subscribers it doesn't take long to reach your commitment amount of movies. If you decide to join and have no one else you know as a member can you let me know I think if you give my name I get a free movie or some special for referring a friend ( if you don't mind).

                                  Audrey    05/13                                               Charlotte 08/10
                                                                Graydon 02/09
  • LaxMOM44 said:

    Oohgurl said:


    maple syrup beautiful gif

    You have no idea how sexually satisfying that image is to me. If boo doesn't step her game up he is going to find herself dumped.
    Wow. Just wow.

  • @LaxMOM44 check out islands.jewels on ebay canada they have the 2004 special edition for 15.99 It is listed as  and I believe it said brand new. It just to clarify it isn't my site I am not trying to sell anything just trying to help a fellow bumpie.

    edited because I repeated myself
    edited again because I had another thought after seeing your gift ideas for 1st birthday. Have you thought of joining the Disney Movie Club Canada.  We did it and got some great deals and it didn't take long to full fill our commitment. If you are planning to start a collection for her you may want to check it out.

    Im gonna look into the disney movie club! My SIL actually told me I need to start buying movies for LO and get a collection goin. I never thought of it before
  • @lizziebooper Crap, I signed up this morning and it didn't ask me for a name or anything? Maybe you have to log in and give my name? Hopefully it's not too late. I will PM you. 

    @LaxMOM44 FYI Peter Pan is going back into the Disney vault on April 30!! lol 
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  • I kept all of my original VHS tapes and I also buy them when they are released from the vault. She doesn't watch TV yet but I'm buying them for later :)
  • kcwnckcwnc member
    edited April 2014
    Aladdin was out of the vault around the Holidays, we got a fancy blu-ray version for Christmas from my HS bestie to start LO's collection.
  • I know it's technically against the law and all, but can't we just copy them from each other until they come out of the vault?!

    I've got Beauty and the Beast and a few others on DVD...just sayin'.
  • My mom has them all on VCR I had no idea they discontinued them. I was gonna say I think you can get them online somehow I have never figured it out but I think you can some how.
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  • beaubecca said:

    Okkk so Disneyland only had Frozen so no luck there. But @LaxMOM44‌ this is for you!


    Now I just need copies of the floor plan and this rescue mission is a go


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  • @LaxMOM44‌ I bought 8 Disney movies this week, and I think it's your fault. 8!!! Don't you know I'm still on Canadian mat leave?! My H is going to kill me.
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