
anyone else constantly overheating?

My son will be 18 months in 2 days... and I still run hot like when I was pregnant. I thought that was supposed to go away when your hormones leveled out a few months after giving birth. No?I find myself in the office where everyone is so cold they have their winter coats on indoors, and I am so hot I'm fanning under my tee shirt when no one is looking! I always ran cold before I got pregnant. It was a high of 55 here today and I'm sitting in front of my fan. Someone please tell me you go back to normal when the kid turns 2 and I'm not screwed forever.
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Re: anyone else constantly overheating?

  • Hmmmm, this went away for me after maybe 5 or 6 weeks? Sorry :(

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  • I have been experiencing this as well. It never went away for me and I am 8 months PP with 22 month spacing. I attributed it to hormones because I am still BF but may get my thyroid checked now that @JerseySprouts mentioned it.
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  • Little jerry - I'm so jealous!!

    Jersey sprouts - I didn't know that. I will def go get my thyroid looked at now!

    Studyinpink - I'm sorry, I understand. I never even breasted, I pumped for like 3 weeks and got nothing.
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  • Karbird5 said:
    Oh you didn't say overeating? Carry on.
    Ha no, I already know that problem is not going away.
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  • I am always ridiculously hot. I had twins so I keep hoping that it is just taking a little longer. They will be 2 in August though so I'm not sure. Maybe I should have my thyroid checked as well. Could also explain why no matter what I do I can't lose the weight and always starving!
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  • I also thought this said "overeating" and I was ready to jump in.

    But I also overheat still. I'm still nursing, so I just attributed it to that. I've always been a sweater (gross), but it's way worse now. I can barely deal with 75 degree weather without feeling like I need the AC running full blast. 


  • FWIW, my son is 15mo and I still run hotter lile when I was pg. What I experience now is definitely nothing compared to the chills/sweats I experienced newly PP, but I do run hot.

    Before I got pg I was the person that was ALWAYS cold. No matter what. Now, I'm the one thats always warm/hot. I've had a full thyroid panel done and all is normal, so I justchock it up to body changes after pregnancy. We'll see what happens after my next pregnancy, if anything changes after that.
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