I got mine. I ordered two about 10 minutes before the code expired.
My hub is too paranoid and doesn't ever like having the necklace on the boy, esp at night. Mil dresses my kids while I'm at work, and she doesn't want it on him, either. I bought an adult one also, since my hub has bad arthritis, but he's too embarrassed to wear it...so my mom is wearing the adult one and the baby necklace is just sitting there.
I got mine. I ordered two about 10 minutes before the code expired.
My hub is too paranoid and doesn't ever like having the necklace on the boy, esp at night. Mil dresses my kids while I'm at work, and she doesn't want it on him, either. I bought an adult one also, since my hub has bad arthritis, but he's too embarrassed to wear it...so my mom is wearing the adult one and the baby necklace is just sitting there.
I ordered one awhile back and DH never put it on DS. He was too scared about it. Oh well haha. I put it on him a few times and thought it was cute but never had it on long enough to decide if it was helpful or not.
I wonder if mine didn't go through. I've never gotten it. I can't find an email confirmation now, looking back.
I didn't get a confirmation either, but I paid for it with my h's PayPal acct and I assume it went to his email. He never said anything and I never asked. It also shipped to my inlaws house cause we are roo lazy to change our address in PayPal (yes it takes 10 seconds).
Do you maybe have a different shipping address listed in PayPal?
I went through PayPal. I'll have to look into it deeper. It was giving me a hard time with my credit card so switched to PayPal. Could've been the wrong address. Damn.
Re: Those that bought the amber necklaces
My hub is too paranoid and doesn't ever like having the necklace on the boy, esp at night. Mil dresses my kids while I'm at work, and she doesn't want it on him, either. I bought an adult one also, since my hub has bad arthritis, but he's too embarrassed to wear it...so my mom is wearing the adult one and the baby necklace is just sitting there.
Round #6- 7.5mg Femara+ .5mg Dex+ 75iu Gonal-F+ hCG trigger+ IUI=BFP!!!
Beta #1(14dpo)- 94 Beta#2(22dpo)- 1,619 Beta#3 (28dpo)- 11,396!!!
Just a Little Blog
Do you maybe have a different shipping address listed in PayPal?