January 2013 Moms


So my DD recently developed what seems like anxiety when we go to restaurants. We sit at a table for a while and she will be fine as long as it's not too busy or crowded, but once people are set next to her or the restaurant fills a bit more, she starts freaking out and only wants to be held. I'm hoping this is a phase and that it will get better soon. Has anyone noticed something similar with their LOs or have an older child who went though (or still going through) this?

Any thoughts and opinions are appreciated!

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Re: anxiety?

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    DD loves the attention she gets when we're out here, she gets a lot as a blue eyed American baby, so she seems to be used to lots of people around.We do eat out a lot but we try to pick times that it might not be too chaotic, early morning for breakfast on the weekend is our most successful time to enjoy a meal out with DD.

    Do you take toys for her? Maybe if she's distracted she wouldn't notice the restaurant filling up? We've had issues with restaurants not having high chairs or having these ridiculous high chairs that have nothing to strap DD in with so we take her little seat with us when we're going out. I think she's comfortable in her own seat and I'll usually order her food as soon as we get there so she has as little time to get bored as possible. 
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    DD is super social and loves everyone. She loves to run around waving and saying to people in our high rise.

    However, a new situation or loud noises/cheers and she freaks and wants mom only. I'm sure this is related to separation anxiety in some way.
    Our little Samosa arrives in January!
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    Little DawsonLittle Dawson member
    edited April 2014
    Thanks ladies, I'm sure it will get better later, I'm just not used to it, because DS never went through the "stranger danger" phase, so this is all new. DD goes through it a little bit with new people, (mostly women and normally will warm up to men first) but it's been weird that recently she seems to act up when more people are seated around us! @this decaf life  - We normally don't bring toys because we can find something to entertain her while we're out at breakfast etc... but I will start bring a couple of different things to see if it distracts her enough until food comes. @MichieU79 - sounds a lot like DD only she does get better when we hold her, which is annoying when trying to eat, but at least we can get through the meal :) I'm sure our LOs will get through this and if it doesn't I'm sure one of us will be starting another thread in a few months :D@DCKate‌ - DD still freaks out a little when I take her to daycare/preschool and has to warm up again to the situation. We haven't gone to any big gatherings though, so we don't know how she will react there.
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    DD has been thus way since birth. It depends in the situation. She will absolutely freak out if anyone strange holds her. I just take things slow with new people. Oddly she does okay in restaurants as long add we are close. She is just a timid kid and very slow to warm to people. My DH is the same way. It was hard at first since I felt like it was my fault but I'm over it now. It is just her personality and she does great as long ass you give her time. Just keep at it. Eventually she will realize she is safe. :-)
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    Thanks @Spainy17 - I will take it slow and not get frustrated at the situations. I do want her to know that I care and that she is safe in her surroundings. :)
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    :-) anytime :-) we are definitely there.
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    Sounds within the range of normal to me, stranger danger is supposed to peak around 18 months!  I hate crowds, too! :)
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