Hey Ladies-Im not 100%this falls into HIGH RISK category but I wasn't sure where else to put this topic. At my appt. yesterday the Dr. suggested I consider taking progesterone shots beginning at week 16 (im currently 11.5 weeks). This would be to prevent pre-term labor since my son came at 36.5 weeks. I think the cut off is 37 weeks so I am right on the fence. Dr. said its my choice of course and to do some research. She would also like to check my cervix at 20 weeks to measure for the possible need of a cerclage (spell?).
The little bit of searching I have done on progesterone so far has been interesting and pointed me in a new direction. During my first pregnancy as well as this one, I have never had a moment of morning sickness. While pregnant with my son, my boobs never grew AT ALL, nothing changed with those suckers. and Then when he was born although I was exclusively breastfeeding, I was not hardly making milk and he stayed in the 3rd percentile until I finally had to supplement at 5.5 months. When I would pump (every other hour) I would only get one ounce combined. it was ridiculous and exhausting. I REALLY want to be able to breastfeed longer this time but now I am curious if anyone knows if all of these things are related to low progesterone and if these shots might also help milk production. do they not test our progesterone in pregnancy?
I plan to ask my midwife at my next appt. b/c the dr. yesterday didn't seem too informed about these answers.