Baby Showers

Told my mom and now this...

I'm only 5 weeks, but I told my mom I'm pregnant. We haven't announced it to the world yet, but she's already talking about doing a sprinkle. I know she knows they're tacky but she's so darn excited. How do I turn her down without hurting her feelings?

BabyFruit Ticker
EDD 12/3 - William Garrett
DD - Stella Gwen (5YO)

Re: Told my mom and now this...

  • For the next 12 weeks or so: "Mom, I know you're excited about this, but I'd really rather wait until later in my pregnancy to talk about anything like that. After all, I'm only 5 weeks along."

    After that (and hopefully she's calmed down): "You know, I've been thinking about it, and we really have everything we need. I'd hate to ask people to buy us more stuff when we don't need it."

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  • Thanks, ladies! I will deflect with a girls day with her and DD. Maybe I will let her be a part of the baby announcement to DD or something. 

    BabyFruit Ticker
    EDD 12/3 - William Garrett
    DD - Stella Gwen (5YO)
  • Not sure how old your DD is, but I think she's a great reason to avoid a sprinkle. Instead of having a party to celebrate a new arrival, which can add to jealousy issues, express to your Mom that you want DD to feel excited about being a big sister and ask her if she would be open to a "big sister" day with the two of you and DD. That way, DD feels like she's being celebrated in addition to the new baby.
  • FemShep said:
    Not sure how old your DD is, but I think she's a great reason to avoid a sprinkle. Instead of having a party to celebrate a new arrival, which can add to jealousy issues, express to your Mom that you want DD to feel excited about being a big sister and ask her if she would be open to a "big sister" day with the two of you and DD. That way, DD feels like she's being celebrated in addition to the new baby.
    She will be 5 on the 12th. That's a great idea! She's been asking for a sibling for a while and always plays with her babies like they are real, so I think she will be excited, but celebrating with grandma and mommy will make her feel special. We could do "grown up" things the baby won't be able to do, like manicures or something.

    BabyFruit Ticker
    EDD 12/3 - William Garrett
    DD - Stella Gwen (5YO)
  • When my family started talking shower #2, all I told them was I dont need a shower, I need a maid for 6-8 weeks so I can heal from my c section with 2 kids! This seems to be a great idea they have run with and are taking up a collection from the people asking about another shower, we shall see how it goes, I dont like the idea of asking for money I was more joking, but I am not going to turn down a maid service! :o)

    Started TTC in 2006, LOTS of trying, and trying, and 7 rounds of IVF with 13 embryos, 2 perfect little boys and 5 loses....
    All finished with babies, started to make diet changes, Keto, to be MORE for my kids, lost 30 pounds, still going, and 3 months in, I had a natural cycle, and then ovulated... Hubs and I are going to see what happens now... Maybe a natural pregnancy? After everything we have been through? Or just a return to normal hormones? We shall see what the future holds!

    Baby Dust To All!!!

  • My MIL started going on and on about a baby shower when I was just 8 weeks pregnant and I turned it down very quickly. Instead of saying it was tacky and offending her, I just told her that we have everything we need and would rather not do a shower. She protested by saying what if it's a girl this time and I told her the new baby would wear the hand-me-downs regardless of sex and that if people wanted to give gifts, they were more than welcome but I just wouldn't feel right at a gift-giving event with the children so close in age (in reality, I don't want a subsequent shower regardless of age gap or sex). I tried to word it so her idea wasn't tacky (even though it is). I thought she'd put up a bigger fight about the whole thing but it's another boy so I guess she just gave up (YAY).
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  • FemShep said:
    Not sure how old your DD is, but I think she's a great reason to avoid a sprinkle. Instead of having a party to celebrate a new arrival, which can add to jealousy issues, express to your Mom that you want DD to feel excited about being a big sister and ask her if she would be open to a "big sister" day with the two of you and DD. That way, DD feels like she's being celebrated in addition to the new baby.
    She will be 5 on the 12th. That's a great idea! She's been asking for a sibling for a while and always plays with her babies like they are real, so I think she will be excited, but celebrating with grandma and mommy will make her feel special. We could do "grown up" things the baby won't be able to do, like manicures or something.
    This is a lovely idea
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