Cloth Diapering

Vacation question

bnanbnan member
edited April 2014 in Cloth Diapering
Hi ladies! We are going on a beach vacation (not until June -- I'm just trying to will it to be sooner) and I'm planning on bringing our cloth. Two questions:

1 - We have an HE FL and I use HE Tide powder. Does anyone know if I can use the HE detergent in a regular top loader or will I need to buy regular detergent?
2 - My LO will be about 8.5 months at that time and I assume we will be smack in the middle of the peanut butter poo stage. Any tips for poo removal in this stage without a sprayer? If I use a spatula, what do I do with it between uses?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Vacation question

  • Do whatever you want with the spatula. We kept it in a cup under the sink.
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  • Flushable liners? They seem to help get that yucky peanut butter off our diapers.
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  • elittler said:
    Flushable liners? They seem to help get that yucky peanut butter off our diapers.
    Yeah go with liners. You can get 50 for $2.99 at Nicki'sdiapers. Use FIVE to get 5% off too and they ship free.

    I use liners for DD and then just dunk and swish a little. When DS hits 6months we're getting a sprayer.

    And you can use HE in a regular top loader :)

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  • If DS's poop had been different, I would have gone with liners. For him, Peanut better poop lasted less than two months, and during that time he pooped only once or twice a week, so a spatula was super easy. Ever since it has been plopable.

    But some kids have peanut butter poop that lasts well into toddlerhood- in that case I would have gotten a sprayer.
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  • I am no help, I'd buy disposables for vacation.  I'd hate to have to lug around dirty diapers and use the hotel washer and dryers.  It's just too much to pack and deal with. 
  • bnanbnan member
    Thanks everyone! I'll definitely look into liners.

    We are actually staying in a rental house with its own laundry, so I don't think the cloth will be much of an issue, especially with liners!

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  • Yea, I'd get disposables too. But after traveling with cloth over the holidays we got yeast. And I'm still bitter about it. I don't trust messing up the routine.
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