May 2013 Moms

Detergent rash?

Has anyone's LO had one?  What did it look like? DD has developed a rash.  Pedi saw it and said it wasn't alarming, not to worry.  No new foods I can think of.  We recently switched from Dreft to Purex baby, and now there are teeny tiny bumps everywhere.  What did you do to get rid of the rash, or do we just have to wait this one out?

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Re: Detergent rash?

  • Good to know.  I guess I just want to be sure that it is a detergent issue and not a bigger problem.

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  • N recently had a rash like that all over his body with seemingly nothing knew in his environment to cause it. It was eczema and I had to go through several lotions/creams to find something to work for him. I also cut back majorly on dairy. His skin is much better now.

    I really hope it's the detergent! I know how frustrating it is.
    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
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  • I recommend using something natural and free of dyes and fragrance. Method and Seventh Generation both offer these options. It's all I use for myself for the same reason so I use it for DS as well.


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