I'm bored and I feel like we don't do these often around here.
What GA was LO born at? How are y'all doing right now?
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?)
Is there a meaning behind LOs name?
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far?
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to?
DS was born at 32+2. We're doing fine
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?)
We had absent end diastolic flow in the cord. Normally the blood flow surges and coasts- ours surged and then completely stopped. I was on hospital bed rest for 2 weeks watching it, and the day it turned to reverse(surged and then creeped backwards) we scheduled a c-section.
I believe that the cord issue was caused by his bladder exstrophy, based on where the insertion was. But it's just a guess.
Is there a meaning behind LOs name?
Yup! His name is David Anthony. His first name is for the biblical character. His middle name is after FIL who passed shortly before the cycle that we got pregnant during.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far?
Our middle of the night feedings. It's so quiet and it's our time for just the two of us.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to?
Hmmmm... Target. Then I could get some stuff for me, some stuff for DH, some for DS, also a cup of coffee and some chocolate.
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) Pre-e/high BP caused intermittent and then reversed cord flow to the placenta, resulting in IUGR. When the flow reversed they said he had to be born right then.
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? His name is Joshua Michael. We had only recently decided on Joshua before he was born, and in light of his situation, it was the perfect name. Joshua means "God saves," and God did save him! Michael is after both our dads' FNs and my husband's MN.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? Honestly, any time he takes a step forward in development just thrills me to pieces. The day he had his first solid food, the day he rolled over for the first time, the day he learned how to play with toys, the day he first smiled at me - those are all tied for my favorite!
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? Oh, man... probably somewhere lame like Old Navy. I have only bought maternity shirts for myself since like 2007 and my wardrobe needs updating!
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
What GA was LO born at? How are y'all doing right now? 31+2. We are doing good!
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) Placental abruption. Happened while we were already at the hospital for consistent Braxton hicks contractions. Baby was in distress and needed to come out right away.
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? His name is James Edward. He is actually the 5th! We weren't sure we were going to continue the tradition but when he was born unexpectedly and under extreme circumstances it just seemed appropriate. He needed a nice strong name.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? We've had EI coming and they have been sending a OT specialist that taught me infant massage. I honestly recommend it to everyone...it has been so great! Such a great bonding time. He just loves it and it makes him so happy he just stares up at me and smiles and coos! We try to do it at least once a day!
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? Hmm great question. I'd probably go to tjmaxx haha so I could get a good variety.
What GA was LO born at? How are y'all doing right now?
28 weeks, GERD and slow weight gain still
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?)
Is there a meaning behind LOs name?
She's named after one of my favorite writers when I was younger. Before we were married DH and I agreed that I would have free choice on girl's name because first born son name would follow long family tradition of being named after paternal grandfather.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far?
It's funny but each stage keeps getting better. Love her giggle.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to?
Target! I would stock up on non perishable items like diapers/wipes, household supplies, pantry items,etc. and get myself a kitchen aid mixer.
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) PTL
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? J's comes from Star Wars and will likely be one of the main characters of the new movies. S's name comes from a video game my husband loved as a kid and his middle name is after Wolverine. We're nerds.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? Too many to name! I'm currently loving every time the surprise me with a hug or kiss.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? Target if it has to be brick and mortar, Amazon if I can shop online.
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) IC
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? Anna came from a Danish royal (DH is from Denmark). Her middle name is Kirsten and she shares it with her big sister who was born still in 2012.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? So many nursing sessions. Also, when she rolled over her right shoulder for the first time. I miss so many moments since I work full time but this one I caught!
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? That might cover one months worth of Amazon purchases
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) Incompetent Cervix. I now have a Transabdominal Cerclage
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? Yes, She is named after my grandmother and my husbands great grandmother
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? nursing was one of my favorites, simply because those were moments that I never thought were going to be possible early on.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? Anthropologie
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) incompetent cervix which lead to an infection in my uterus.
Is there a meaning behind LOs name?
Ashton James, his first name was just the only name me and H could agree on, his middle name is a family name on H's side.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far?
I love being a stay at home mom, I love watching him smile and hit milestones.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to?
If I was being selfish I'd pick sephora but if I'm thinking family I'd say target.
What GA was LO born at? How are y'all doing right now?
Ellie was born at 35w6d. She did very well for the first day in the NICU, but then unexpectedly passed away at. 28 hours old.
Currently 34w pregnant with her little brother. He's doing well, but the PB and MFM are prepping us for the possibility of another early delivery.
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?)
PTL in both cases. Had my first bout at 31 weeks with my daughter and 24 weeks with this little one.
Is there a meaning behind LOs name?
Eleanor was a name my H and I both happened to like. I found out after we named her that it was also the name of my mom's aunt. She was also born premature in the 1920s, and weighed only 2 lbs when she was born. My great-grandma kept her in a shoe box; the doctors told her to take her home but that there was no way she'd survive. She did though, and lived a full life.
Before I got pregnant with this little one, I had a dream where I saw my daughter. She told me she wanted to introduce me to a baby I wouldn't have had if she were still alive. She told me his name was Sam. A few months later I got pregnant, and when we found out he was a boy we knew what his name was.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far?
With my daughter, it was the few moments I got to hold her before she went to the NICU.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to?
Right now? Home Depot. I have fixes aplenty to do with my house.
DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) PPROM followed by PTL.
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? We just liked the first names. Middle names are after family members (grandmother and brothers)
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? Starting breastfeeding; walking out of the NICU as a family.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? If I'm being selfish, Ricki's, my favourite clothing store. I rarely buy clothes for myself and nothing fits now! Mat. clothes are too big but difficulty fitting into pre-preg clothes.
First pregnancy - DS 01-Apr-09;
3rd cycle Clomid/IUI after 2 years TTC
TTC #2 since ~June 2010
IUI #1 & 2 - Clomid/IUI - BFN
IUI #3 &4 - Gonal-F/Ovidrel and IUI -- BFN
IUI #5 - Gonal-F/Ovidrel and IUI -- BFP!!
EDD: March 22, 2013
It's triplets!!
She was born at 35 weeks and 5 days, she is doing fantastic! 9 months old now, and doing most things 9 month olds are supposed to do lol...
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?)
I had low amniotic fluid and had to have a c-section, the low fluid caused her lungs not to develop all the way which was why she was in NICU for 34 days.
Is there a meaning behind LOs name?
Her name is Abigail Rose. Not really, it was just a name I thought worked well together and was pretty.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far?
Lots of ones are my favorite, but I do love her big smiley giggles!
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to?
I would also have to say Target. They have everything!
---29-6, now 8mos actual/5.5mos adj. We're doing well--she's stayed healthy since getting off oxygen in January. Meeting milestones, some at adjusted age, some ahead of schedule. Still small, but growing.
What caused LOs prematurity?
---Pre-e/HELLP syndrome and stalled cord blood flow. Had been sick all week, low movement of baby, OB called it indigestion and suggested Zantac. A NST showed baby was fine so sent me home (without taking bp/urine sample). Three days later, took bp at home and it was 200/150. Went to hospital and showed all signs of HELLP and baby was delivered via emergency c-section with hours of arriving.
Is there a meaning behind LOs name?
---Elliott was dads suggestion and Marie is after me, both my grandmas and MIL.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far?
---So hard to choose!! Seeing her the first time was pretty amazing, as it was two days after her birth. Holding her the first time, kangarooing, coming home, first smile, first laugh...everything is amazing with her!
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to?
---Home Depot--we're moving next week and could totally use this!
I'm bored and I feel like we don't do these often around here.
What GA was LO born at? How are y'all doing right now? 23wd6
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) Spontaneous pre-term labor, which is code for, "We haven't got a clue."
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? We chose Abigail after the Abigail of the Bible, a woman of great discernment and strength under diversity. Who knew how apt the name would be.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? I'm happy to say there are far, far too many to count, but I'll never forget her first smile, at 34 weeks GA.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? The responsible answer: Goodyear. We need to fix our automatic doors, but it's not "necessary" enough to dip into our budget. The fun answer: Kohls.
What GA was LO born at? How are y'all doing right now? 26w 2 days. We are doing great! She is a little over 2 years old and her speech is finally taking off. She gets EI once a week and we also have her in private speech once a week. Yesterday we got a Happy Gram from her preschool that after she got her cot, she went up to them and said "Blanket please" and then said "Thank you."
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) On a relatively routine ultrasound at 22w6d (fetal echocardiogram due to a possible echogenic focus at the a/s scan 4 weeks earlier) it was discovered that I had little to no amniotic fluid. The thought it that I had a tear or a small leak, since I never had a gush or anything. I was placed on hospital bedrest until I developed chorioamniotis (an infection) and labor could not be stopped due to risk to baby and myself.
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? We wanted a name that sounded good in Spanish, Italian, and English since our family speaks those three languages.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? Too many to list! Of course, the first time that I got do Kangaroo care and hold her for the first time, 3 weeks after she was born, and it was just me and her in the room, was an absolutely magical and amazing experience. Then there are all the "firsts", finally being a "wifi" baby (no more apnea monitor, oxygen, or pulse ox), crawling for the first time, walking for the first time, talking, running, jumping, laughing, giggling.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to?Dillards. There is so much to choose from there!
Me: PCOS DH: Low everything (MFI)
Clomid with TI x 3 2010 BFN
Clomid+IUI+Ovidrel 2010 BFN
IVF w/ICSI #1 2011
9/8/11 Beta #1: 2082!! 9/19/11 Beta#2 34,689!! U/S 9/22/11 HR 127! 11/8/11 HR 150! 12/6/11 HR 136! 12/14/11 HR 139! Born at 26w2d on 2/4/2012! After 83 days in the NICU, Adalyn came home on 4/26/12!
FET 1 3/2013 BFN
FET 2 5/2013 BFN
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) pPROM when it happened; but when I had PTL and was on strict bedrest for 4 months with DD, I questioned if I had IC and MFM said no, but that I definitely had some type of deficiency and would do further testing before we had baby #3-umm, that's not happening cause I am done being pg!
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? Noah was the only name that we both agreed on for boys. The summer he was born, there was a huge flood where I lived and everyone asked if we named if after Noah in the bible.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? Every time he hit a milestone-but I specifically remember the first time he raised his hands for me to pick him up. There was a time I didn't think I would get to see that happen.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? I was going to say Target too so I could shop for the whole family, but I am going to be selfish this time and say White House/Black Market.
Lorelei and Amelia were born at 27+6. Lorelei is doing amazing, her only setback currently is an inguinal hernia. She has even made it on to the growth chart! She is only at the 3rd percentile, but considering that she was born at one and a half pounds and nowhere near the growth chart at all, that 3rd percentile is looking pretty good! Amelia is also doing well, although she has a few more complications than her sister. She also has an inguinal hernia, but more concerning is her failure to thrive. She is still way behind on the growth chart and flips between gaining only a few grams a day to losing weight every few days. Currently she is being evaluated for a possible pyloric stenosis. She refuses her bottles on a regular basis. Both of the girls are hitting their developmental milestones though, so overall I think we are doing well!
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?)
Both of the girls had severe IUGR due to absent cord flow. Once it was discovered, I was put on hospital bed rest. While in the hospital they found that I had mild preeclampsia, so I'm sure that didn't help matters. After a month in the hospital I spontaneously went into preterm labor. They tried to stop it with mag, but to no avail.
Is there a meaning behind LOs name?
Sort of, but it's really nerdy and it was not exactly intentional. 100 points if you can figure it out before the end of this response! We picked names that we liked and once we realized the accidental connection, we knew that it was meant to be. Lorelei was my husband's top pick and Amelia was mine. We both liked each other's choices so we went with it. Lorelei has my maiden name (Murphy) as her middle name. Amelia's middle name is Rose, which has no family significance but I think it's pretty. Has anyone guessed the nerdy significance yet? Any Dr. Who fans out there will understand the reference. Amelia and Rose are both previous companions. A common nickname for Lorelei is Rory, who was the husband of Amy (Amelia), and also a companion. So there you go, my daughters names contain three Dr. Who companions.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far?
I love story time! Every night the girls get two books (one for each). I read one and their dad reads the other. I love having our whole family snuggled together on the couch, and the girls seem to love it too! They mostly look at whichever one of us is reading rather than the book, but that's good too.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to?
Target if I am thinking of the whole family...Webs (awesome yarn/knitting store) if I am being selfish!
3rd cycles clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
4th cycles letrozole/Ovidrel + IUI = BFN
IVF #1 = BFP! Twins due 2/5/2014
They were born at 26w4d and are doing great. No health problems at all.
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?)
Severe Pre-E and HELLP Syndrome
Is there a meaning behind LOs name?
Not really, Quinn means counselor and Silas means Forest or Third. He is my third child, so that works, but it wasn't why we picked the name. We just like them.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far?
Both being released from the NICU, 74 & 88 day stays. I LOVE to watch them crawl and start to cruise a little. I also like that their personalities are starting to develop a bit.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to?\
Target...is there any other store??
Born at 28 weeks 4 days. Henry is doing great!! He hit the 3 lb club yesterday and started his physical therapy today!! All his medical staff is very happy and impressed at how well he's improving!!!!
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?)
I wasn't ever really given a reason why I had him early. They didn't seem like they knew why.
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? Henry Michael: Henry was my DH's grandfathers name and Michael is for after both of our fathers.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? Has to be the first time I did kangaroo care with him and was able to hold him!!!! It was amazing!! Also I really enjoyed seeing DH hold him for the first time too!!!
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? Target!!! I could spend lots and lots of money at Target!!!!
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) Pre-eclampsia
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? Yes, he is named after Liam Neeson because our last name is very close to Neeson and we figured with a name like that he would have to be a bad ass.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? Actually today was pretty great it was the first time he didn't have a single brady while we had kangaroo time, he was so peaceful and cuddly he held my thumb up next to his face the whole time.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? Right now probably Target, I am still trying to get his nursery decorated and I just love their furniture.
What GA was LO born at? How are y'all doing right now? Emmaline's a 29 weeker. She's actually doing really well! She only needed a nasal cannula for about a week, and is now completely off it. We're working on increasing her feeds and other than the A's and B's, she doesn't have any issues right now.
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) Sudden onset HELLP. No issues for my entire pregnancy until a high BP at my 28 week OB visit. 4 days later I was admitted to the hospital and 2 days after that we had a baby!
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? Not really. We struggled to come up with a girl name, and Emmaline was the only one DH liked on any of my lists. After they told us we were delivering in 48 hours, I started listing every name I had ever thought of for a middle name, and Amelia was the one we liked best.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? Holding her for the first time. I didn't even get to see her till the day after she was born because I was still hooked up to the mag drip, and then I don't think I got to hold her for another 3 days after that. The first time was amazing.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? I could probably spend it in Barnes and Noble in about 2 hours. Or Babies R Us, since we still don't have nursery furniture.
P was born at 32+4. She's awesome! 9 months old last week, and doing most things expected for her actual age. Doing all things for adjusted age.
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?)
Is there a meaning behind LOs name?
P is a common name in the Czech Republic and my family and my maiden name are Czech. I kept my maiden name, but since LO has DH's last name, we decided to give her a Czech name, which we also happened to love.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far?
I love where she is right now. She laughs, and claps, and giggles when Mommy and Daddy do silly things, and her personality is really coming out. It's so much fun.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to?
I would say Amazon, but right now I'll go with Home Depot- we're closing on our first home in 2 weeks!
What caused LOs prematurity? (PTL, placenta issues, etc?) An unknown unicornunate uterus caused her to run out of room and broke my waters
Is there a meaning behind LOs name? My maternal grandmother was Theresa - so we shortened it to Tessa. And her middle name Jane is my Mom's middle name.
What has been one of your favorite moments with LO so far? Its not one moment, but still being successful at breastfeeding 9 months in - I'm going to be heartbroken when these special moments are over.
You've been given a $500 gift card. One catch- you *have* to spend it all in one place. What store do you go to? Target works for me! Amazon was a great answer too. :-)