Since everyone is having baby sales right now, I'm looking into the next major gear items we need. We currently have the Graco Snugride 35 for my almost 8 month old daughter. When did you switch to a convertible car seat and what made you switch? Which one do you recommend and why? Do you have one for each car? Thanks!
Re: Convertible car seats
Eta: if you LO is tall at all I wouldn't get a britax, they have one if the shorter shells and kids outgrown them RFing a lot faster than other seats.
If your LO is happy in the current seat & is not approaching the seat's limits, you have time. Below is a helpful link about the CSFTLs reccomended seats... has pros & cons for their seats. Once you narrow it down to a few, test out in store and in your car for fit
Switched my LO from her Graco SnugRide 35 to a Graco MySize 70 when she was about 14 months because she plus carseat were getting too heavy for myself + daycare provider to carry around. Bought the new seats when I saw they were on sale (she was 11 months old & 13 months old when purchased but held out installing as long as could still carry infant seat). Could still be using the infant seat because she was within the seats' limits.
Picked the Graco MySize70 because of the taller heights run in DHs family & the seat will allow her to RF for longer (while being better priced than Diono Radian & seemd like would take up less length and had fewer parts to keep track of since day care sometimes needs to take seat out the vehicle & figured reinstall would be easier. Adjusting headrest/harness height is also easy since is no rethread).
Emily 8.8.08
Madeline 1.2.11
William 8.5.12
TTC since 3/12
High LH/FSH Ratio 8/12
DX with PCOS 11/12
Clomid 50mg - 19.5mm Follie - Trigger + TI = BFP! 11/12
EDD August 11, 2013
This. Also, I find that they all have the same rehearsed speech about what is best/most popular. I hear them telling parents to be that the travel system is the best way to go every time I go to BRU/BBB. Well, that's crap. But that gets new parents to buy more now only to come back in a year when they realize that massive stroller is a PITA and they should have gotten something smaller.
Yeah....the guy at BBB told me I needed a Nextfit for my car and needed to move DS1 to a Nautilus for DHs car since he is 2. The girl at BRU thought I needed a MyRide for my car and a Guide for DHs BMW. She was right on the BMW 3 series...only that & the Corocco fit that stupid car.