Single Parents


Another bitch sesh from me...

I'm trying to kick things up a notch since this custody crap is gonna roll. Anyway, I realized I needed to be able to print ManChild's texts to me and had hoped they weren't erased from my phone. So, I went back to July of last year and screen capped all the ones where he said something ridiculous. It made me even more angry to have to go through all of that but I had to. I just have a really overwhelming feeling he is going to tell the judge/has told his attorney I've told him he can't come around...which I have NEVER. Not even anything close. I really hope to God the judge sees through it or believes me or whatever. I just KNOW this is what he is going to use as his defense for why he hasn't. I guess when I invite him to meet her while we are here, we will see what happens.

My atty went to the courthouse today to find out wth the order of nonsuit was for, but the clerk didn't have the file. ??? So she's going tomorrow also and will hopefully have an answer. Looks like he also filed a petition for custody (WHAT THE FUCK) but it was denied. My atty said it could be in case mine is dropped, he will have one entered previously...stupid law stuff. I don't get it despite going to school for it. Fingers crossed it's technicality bullshit and not that he legit tried to get custody of her. HE'S NEVER EVEN SEEN HER!!!!!

PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014

Re: Bitching

  • What a dick. I'm sorry. I do not envy what you're going through right now… I hope he pulls his head out of his ass soon. 


  • Thank God you have an attorney who is free cause if not it sounds like this douche canoe would do anything and everything to run your bill up higher than you can pay. Maybe he's trying that because he doesn't know she is pro bono?
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  • I have nothing to say but im sorry your going through this
  • Has he bothered to see her while you're in FL yet?
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  • eg214eg214 member
    @roxalot My parents don't want me to tell him yet bc my dad is out of town until Sat...just in case he goes nuts and tries to find us. So, I will let him know Sat or Sun and give him his chance. We will see what happens. I'm not sure what to think or expect. Going through the texts last night, he said there also he wouldn't see her in front of my parents so idk. He has no other choice bc its up to me and I don't feel safe any other way. Hes a lunatic.

    And yeah he prob is trying to run me around bc I have an atty now which he didn't want me to have. Unless his atty told him she was free since its obv she came from legal services. I'm on pins and needles waiting for an answer. If he filed for custody, it reiterates my concern for him taking her and fleeing. Ugh!

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • That's awful. I mean, if he doesn't want to see her with your parents around, would there be a way that you could ask the police to be around? I mean, if it makes you feel safer to have other people around, maybe police wouldn't be a bad idea...
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  • eg214eg214 member
    Idk if they have a supervised visitation center I can use here. I will look into it.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • I would NOT see him without someone else present. You gotta trust your gut instinct and if it feels like he might grab her and run you need backup!
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  • eg214eg214 member
    Its really either at my parents house with them home or nothing. I'm already "going out of my way" by letting him see her here. I'm not allowing him to control me.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
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