ugh.. and the b!tch of this is that it was the insurance through my employer that denied the Synagis shots so we switched to my DH insurance for 1/1/09 and now my insurance won't have to pay the hospital stay.
I am seriously writing a letter, complaining to the powers that be at my company. I am.. ironically.. a health care consultant so I will be finding out who I talk to at the insurance company. I would love to see I can take some kind of legal action. This is BS.
Re: All three are now in the hospital with RSV.
Oh I am so sorry! Preemie triplets and no synagis coverage? What a joke!
Keep us updated on what the insurance company does with your letter. I will keep your babies in my prayers. So sorry!!!
aw man.. I'm so sorry. I hope the boys are doing okay.
And I hope you tear some new assholes at the ins. co.
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Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07