I'll preface this by saying that I am going to call my doctor but I wanted some input from you ladies as well. How do you know if you have PPD or are just stressed and or overwhelmed? DS is 4 weeks old and his pedi thinks he has colic. He cries a lot, more so at night but I feel like whenever he is awake he is crying. I have a 5 year old DD who is acting out and my husband works a lot, so I'm home with both of them by myself more than I'd like. I cry just about every day, I don't want to leave the house if I don't have to because I'm scared he'll be miserable. I don't think the weather is helping either. I don't feel like harming him or myself at all, but I just don't feel right. I feel like I can't get anything done around the house because he's always nursing or crying and I can't put him down or he'll wake up and cry. I'm not a fan of medication but I'm not sure what to do.
Re: PPD?
Married : ** 09/09/2011 ** BFP : 07-18-13 ** Baby #1 is a GIRL , Born 03/12/14 **
** BFP 2 : 01- 05-15 ** EDD 09-11-15 **
Anyway, I really don't know what to do because I'm already on Prozac. I feel like this is situational and more medicine isn't going to help. I'm overwhelmed with two kids, my H is always working and we haven't had much time together. More medicine isn't going to change that. For you though, medicine will help take the edge off.
I'm sorry I sorta just made your post about me. I'm mostly just trying to let you know that you're not alone and I'm also not sure if I have ppd or if this is normal to feel this overwhelmed when going from 1 child to 2.
Ok I'm going to stop rambling now. This post is all over the place. Sorry!